Wild Animals
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Cats of different breeds differ from each other in their character, demeanor and habits. Siberian cats are very beautiful and graceful animals, absolutely not fastidious and not whimsical in everyday life. But their owner should treat the food of Siberians with special attention, because natural sources of food for domestic cats, as a rule, are not available
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Commercials for "Whiskas" food have won love even among people who do not have special feelings for the representatives of the feline family. The company has selected some of the most adorable kittens in the world for filming. Their name is Scottish Straight
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
There are many species of animals belonging to the feline family. Some are favorite pets, others are wild carnivores. There are also species that occupy some intermediate position between wild predators and domestic cats. Such a representative of the feline family is the jungle cat
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The breed of oriental cats was obtained by crossing Siamese and Russian blue. The experiment turned out to be successful and a new breed was born - the Havana. Subsequent selection of these cats led to the fact that now there is a breed of oriental cats, which carries the Siamese gene, but belongs to a different breed group
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Ligers are not a miracle of nature, but the result of a rather close, in the literal sense of the word, relationship between lions and tigresses. They are beautiful, but unhappy animals, because their "exotic" genetics is a time bomb
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Don Sphynxes are very affectionate, friendly, contact cats that are easy to bring up. However, in order to avoid serious problems with your kitten in the future, try to choose it correctly. What you need to look for when buying a sphinx It is very important to choose the right seller
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
A lot depends on the pedigree of a Bengal kitten, but keep in mind that completely ordinary kittens can be born to champion parents. In addition, in infancy, it is sometimes very difficult to draw a conclusion about how the kitten will become after a while
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The appearance of a new cat in the house for an old cat is a real stress. After all, this is a sure reason for him to doubt the love of his master. This situation is not easy for a new cat. How to make them reconcile as quickly as possible and get along peacefully in the house?
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Cats are considered sacred animals for a reason, they were revered in Ancient Egypt, identified with the gods. Today the cat is one of the most common pets. People admire her grace, dedication and affection for her family. Instructions Step 1 What is not allowed is the most desirable
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Having decided to have a thoroughbred kitten, it is so difficult to make a choice: what kind of breed to take. After all, not only are there a great variety of them, but each of them is beautiful in its own way. What breeds are most popular with humans?
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The largest cat in the world is considered to be a native Maine Coon cat, which has long been known in Europe and America and has never ceased to gain popularity in Russia. Representatives of this breed have a peculiar appearance and character, not to mention their enormous size, due to which they gather large audiences at exhibitions
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The historical homeland of Maine Coon cats is the United States of America. These cats were bred about a hundred years ago, the breed was officially recognized in 1976, and since then Maine Coons have spread far beyond America. They are hardy and large
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Medical statistics show that allergic reactions after close contact with cats are observed in 7% of people. But even among them there are those who love these animals very much, are not going to deny themselves the pleasure of communicating with them and want to have a cat at home
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Thai cats are very intelligent, sociable, affectionate and not aggressive at all. Often, Thai cats are confused with Siamese cats, but in fact they are completely different breeds, each of which has its own standards. Instructions Step 1 Before choosing a kitten, think about whether you plan to participate in exhibitions with your pet
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Bald cats or sphinxes often amaze people who first saw them with their exotic appearance. Their body, not covered with wool, has an elevated temperature, and the delicate skin in the folds makes them look like aliens. So where did these amazing creatures come from, which are so appreciated today by lovers of unique domestic cats?
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
A passionate hunter and fisherman, capable of shooting a rhino and fighting gigantic tuna, the writer Ernest Hemingway was not known as a cat lover. This was until the moment when his faithful friend Stanley Dexter brought a cute kitten into his house
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The choice of a kitten is based on many factors. This is the pedigree, and the sex, and the color of the animal. Regardless of the purpose of the purchase, the kitten must be healthy. A healthy pet is not only a beautiful pet, but also savings on veterinary services
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
In the modern world, there are many different breeds of these amazing animals. The Persian cat is a globally widespread longhaired cat breed. It is characterized by its long silky hair, due to which a kind of collar is formed around the cat's head, which gives the cat importance and become
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Little funny kittens are weapons of mass destruction - they cause affection and the desire to take them in your arms. With age, cats become more graceful and graceful, but many owners would still like their pets to remain crumbs, retaining their childish features
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To change a cat's character, you need to be aware of what has the greatest influence on its formation. In the first two months of life, the kitten is most susceptible to education and the formation of habits. A little later it will be possible to determine which of the two behavioral types of cats it belongs to
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Maine Coon is one of the largest domestic cats. Representatives of this breed are usually intelligent, affectionate, calm and friendly. Maine Coon cats love to play with other animals and with children. Maine Coon, or mens raccoon cat is an excellent choice for cat lovers who prefer beautiful rare breeds of pets
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Chartreuse cats are sometimes referred to as Carthusian or Cartesian cats. The first mentions of these animals date back to the 16th century, therefore chartreuse is one of the oldest cat breeds, whose homeland is considered to be France. Chartreuse are medium-sized animals, usually of heavy build
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The smallest cat on the planet is a pretty honorable title. But the reason for the preservation of miniature dimensions in adulthood can be both selection and gene mutation. Therefore, it makes sense to consider both representatives of the tiniest breed in the world, and individual cats of non-standard sizes
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Thai cats are very playful and lively animals. They very quickly get used to their master and try to follow him everywhere and everywhere. Thai cats are very smart and quick-witted. They are very popular among people who cannot imagine their life without cats
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Animal lovers have long been accustomed to the variety of dog breeds - they vary greatly in size and build. However, cats also have their own giants and midgets. Miniature felines are rare but extremely cute and touching. Munchkin This breed is the feline version of the Dachshund
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The Cornish Rex is difficult to confuse with other cat breeds. They have a very bright appearance and a beautiful curly coat. For the first time this breed began to be bred in 1950, but it was officially registered only 17 years later. History of the breed Cats with the distinctive characteristics of the Cornish Rex breed appeared in 1936 in Moravia (Czech Republic)
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Possessing large expressive eyes and huge, low-set ears, shaped like butterfly wings, Devon Rex cats resemble bats or fairy elves with their muzzle outline. Fans of the Harry Potter series can say with confidence that the Devons are an exact copy of the pixie - a crafty blue elf from old English fairy tales
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Cats are amazing and friendly animals. They bring comfort, joy and fun to the house, eventually becoming full members of the family. Among the cat breeds, the most popular are: Don Sphynxes, Persian, Siamese, British and Russian blue cats. Instructions Step 1 Don Sphynxes have become a popular breed due to their unearthly appearance and diligent nature
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Kurilian Bobtail - the truth and myths about the tailless cat. I have long wanted to have a kitten and my choice fell on the British, I had already started saving money, when I was unexpectedly offered to take a free alimony kitten of an unknown breed - the Kuril Bobtail
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Cats are the most gentle and affectionate pets. Lovers of these animals admire their grace, fluency, graceful gait, as well as playfulness and funny habits. Some of the cats get to the owners absolutely free, and for some you have to pay a considerable sum of money
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Oriental cats are the most graceful, graceful and sophisticated animals tamed by man. Orientals are very friendly and extremely sociable. They easily get along with other pets, but they always give their preference to the owner. Distinguishing an oriental cat from other breeds is not difficult at all, thanks to its unique oriental appearance
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Thai cats are amazingly beautiful and graceful animals. They are incredibly active, inquisitive and outgoing. Very often Thai cats are confused with Siamese. In fact, these are two completely different, albeit related, breeds. To distinguish a Thai cat from others, you need to know about the features of its appearance and temperament
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The sacred Burmese are amazing animals. Compliant and loyal, these cats will become not just pets, but real four-legged friends. And about their beauty just right to add legends. Let's take a closer look at this wonderful breed. This breed, according to the official version, appeared at the beginning of the 20th century by crossing a Persian and a Siamese cat
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Many people just love cats. This is not surprising, because it is so difficult to resist a cute face, silky hair and mischievous character. But are there curly cats? Oddly enough, they do exist. Instructions Step 1 It would seem difficult to imagine a curly cat or kitten
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The first question that appears in the head of a person who has decided to have a kitten is: "Who should you choose - a cat or a cat?" Little kittens-girls and kittens-boys practically do not differ from each other. But with age, the sex of an animal more and more determines its character and behavior
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Many, when going to get a cat, try to choose a pet according to their character. Someone seeks to bring more comfort to the house with the help of a cat. For those who are looking for an obedient and good-natured cat, you should pay attention to the breeds that have won the fame of the most affectionate:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The Don Sphynx is a Russian breed of "hairless" hairless cats, muscular and graceful. It was bred in Rostov-on-Don, hence the name. These cats are quite unusual, but caring for them does not require much work - the owners simply should not forget about some of the subtleties
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The origin of the Russian blue cat breed is not exactly known. But what is known from history is that the cats of this breed were brought from Arkhangelsk to Great Britain by sailors - then these cats were called Arkhangelsk cats. The modern name - Russian blue - appeared in 1939 in Great Britain
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The variety of cat breeds is great. The most interesting and unusual of them can be called Egyptian hairless cats and Bengal cats. If you want something unusual and exotic, you should choose one of these breeds. Ultimately, it all depends on individual preference
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Purebred Siamese cats are distinguished by their exquisite appearance and independent character. When planning to purchase a kitten of this breed, decide in advance whether you will exhibit it or use it in breeding. If you need an adorable pet, you can save money on buying it, but show and breed-class kittens are quite expensive