Pets. Nutrition For A Pregnant Cat

Pets. Nutrition For A Pregnant Cat
Pets. Nutrition For A Pregnant Cat

Is your furry pet waiting for the offspring? Then she needs to organize proper nutrition, thanks to which healthy and mischievous kittens will be born.

How to feed a pregnant cat
How to feed a pregnant cat

Pregnancy is always one of the happiest moments in life, not only for a person, but also for his pet. In this article, we are going to tell you about the diet for a pregnant cat. The expectant mother should eat as varied and rich as possible. Add more protein and minerals to her food. Water should be abundant in unlimited quantities.

How often to feed a pregnant cat

Pregnant cats have a very high appetite. You should give her ten percent more than usual. Remember to increase the number of meals, not the size of the serving, at least four times a day. Follow these guidelines for the first two weeks. For the third week, we will increase the number of servings to fifty percent. Change the size of the food you eat up, let your cat eat up to six times a day.


From the seventh week, cut back on the amount of food dispensed by dividing it into smaller, more frequent servings. A few days before giving birth, the cat may begin to refuse to eat. This is normal. Do not rape or force the animal to eat. It is better to surround with care and support, be near.

Features of the diet

If you have fed your cat food all your life, then get special food for pregnant cats in the store. If the animal eats from your table, you will have to sweat. The animal definitely needs meat and dairy products, cereals. It is allowed to eat chicken, turkey and beef; yogurt, kefir, milk and natural yoghurt without fillers and flavors, fermented baked milk; rice and buckwheat, broths.


We recommend removing fish from your pet's diet. If this is his favorite delicacy, then steam the tender fish and reduce the use of "snacks" to a minimum. Boiled eggs can be given twice a week. Use beets and butter only during constipation. Exclude fatty foods.

Do you need extra vitamins?

Buy special vitamins (necessarily vitamin B, and preferably a complex immediately) and give it before meals. Crush the tablets and draw into a syringe, adding water if the pregnant cat refuses to take them with food. Medicines are also sold in the form of a paste. The expectant mother needs proteins, taurine, fatty acids, calcium and phosphorus.

How to relieve cat birth pain

To give birth without pain and possible complications, prepare a decoction of raspberry leaves: boil one leaf in boiling water, and then pass the drink through cheesecloth. The dosage is one teaspoon per day.
