What Is The Vision Of Cats

What Is The Vision Of Cats
What Is The Vision Of Cats

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People do not always think that the world around them is not an objective and only reality, but a picture that the brain creates with the help of the organs of vision. Different animals, other living beings see the world differently. Cats, for example, have a wider field of view, less color discrimination, low-light vision, and other visual features.

What is the vision of cats
What is the vision of cats

Cat eyes

cats have glowing eyes
cats have glowing eyes

One of the most striking features of a feline is its huge eyes in relation to the body. They occupy a significant part of the head and are convex in shape. If a person had similar proportions, then the eyes would have a diameter of twenty centimeters. The cat's eyes are deep, so their movements are limited, and if you need to look at something from the side, the animal has to turn its head.

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The shape of a cat's pupil is very interesting: it is elongated vertically, it becomes a narrow strip in bright light and expands in the dark. In cats, unlike humans, there is a third eyelid that protects the eye.


Vision of cats


Domestic cats descended from wild predatory felines and retained all the features of vision inherent in predators, for which it is important to see the prey well, estimate the distance to it and deliver accurate throws and blows. Their eyes are positioned in front of the face to overlap the fields of view and create a stereoscopic picture. Therefore, these animals see the world in three dimensions, like we do, and can estimate distances to objects.

kitten walks sideways
kitten walks sideways

Cats have a wider field of vision than humans: 200 degrees compared to 180. These predators focus their vision much better than humans, about three times, but only at close distances. We can say that cats suffer from myopia - on distant objects located twenty or more meters away, they focus poorly, so they look blurry for them.

Cats have 25 times more rods on their retinas than cones, allowing you to see in very low light. True, the opinion that cats see in absolute darkness is just a myth: the eyes cannot distinguish objects in the absence of light. But the photosensitivity of cat's eyes is amazing: what seems to a person to be complete darkness is quite comfortable for a cat, it sees seven times better with a lack of lighting. Moreover, in bright light, these animals see worse, therefore they like semi-illuminated, shaded rooms, dark corners.

The vision of cats is arranged in such a way that she perceives moving objects without difficulty, and sees motionless objects worse, this is also a feature of predators. At the same time, horizontal movement is perceived better than vertical movement. For a long time it was believed that these animals are not able to distinguish colors and see the world in black and white, but now it is known that cats see color differences, they just are not as bright and contrasting for them as in humans. It is also possible that cats, like other mammals, lack cones that perceive green, so the color scheme of their world is slightly different and resembles deuteranopia - one of the types of color blindness. But feline can distinguish shades of gray very well, several times better than humans.
