The grace and grace of horses has been admired by many generations of people. Today in various parks you can see the most beautiful representatives of these animals. But horses require grooming, including a haircut. How should a horse be cut correctly?

It is necessary
hair clipper, cotton wool
Step 1
Prepare everything you need for your haircut. Wash and brush your horse well. Check if the clipper works, if the blades are well sharpened, if there is a spare clipper in case the first one breaks. Choose the right time with the expectation that the haircut can take 2-3 hours, or even more.

Step 2
Prepare your horse for trimming. Tie her up, making sure that her movements during this procedure will not interfere with you, and she cannot harm herself. Take the car without turning it on, walk the horse so that it gets used to this kind of touch. Do this procedure for a few minutes. Then turn on the machine, but do not lean it against the animal. Let the horse get used to the sound. If she starts to worry, cover her ears with cotton wool: the absence of the annoying sound will calm the horse and make the trimming process easier. After the horse gets used to the sound of the machine running, place your palm on it and the machine on top. Let the horse get used to the vibration.

Step 3
Proceed directly to the haircut process. Start at the shoulders or lower neck. Swipe against the grain of the hair, trimming long, crisp stripes. Each next strip should be parallel to the previous one and go slightly into it. The coat should cut easily and fall down. If it doesn't, chances are you just haven't gotten your fill of it yet. Move along the back square by square.

Step 4
After the back is trimmed, throw a blanket over the horse to keep it warm and move on to the legs. It is best to wrap the tail so that it does not accidentally fall under the razor blade. It will be easier to cut the hair on the legs by calling an assistant. To prevent the horse from shifting from foot to foot or kicking, ask the helper to hold the front left leg when cutting the rear left and the right front when cutting the rear right.

Step 5
If the horse is very worried, then it is better not to cut the head.