By purchasing a purebred dog, many owners expect to present it for participation in competitions and exhibitions in the future. The awards received on them are the best proof that the exterior of the pet meets the breed standards. But in order for the dog to be able to demonstrate its exterior, it is necessary to prepare it for participation in such competitions.

Preparation for exterior assessment
Preparation of a thoroughbred puppy for participation in exhibitions and competitions should begin from childhood. Since these events are always crowded and noisy, it should be from an early age, as soon as you start a training and education program with your puppy, to accustom him to the company of other dogs and people. This will help him overcome his natural anxiety and not get nervous in competition.
Include the command "Show your teeth" in the training program, this is necessary, because at the show the puppy will be sure to check whether the baby teeth have changed and how the bite has formed. To execute this command, the dog must be seated and, holding its lower jaw with the right hand, and the upper jaw with the left hand, pronounce the command and with your thumbs, slightly pressing, unclench its jaws. Remember to reward your dog with a treat.
Before the competition, be sure to bring the dog's appearance in accordance with the requirements of the breed standard. Now it is allowed not to dock the ears and tail, even if this is reflected in the description of the breed. But, of course, in decorative terms, uncropped dogs are inferior to those that fully comply with the traditional standard. Use for exhibitions a special leash-ring, light, soft and beautiful. It is forbidden to show dogs in harnesses or sharp collars.
Ring movement and display stand
The dog must also be prepared in advance for these two important elements of the competition program. When running around the ring, the dog must be in search, so it is better for the owner to be among the spectators near the ring. When the owner independently takes the dog into the ring so that it can show itself "in work", family members are placed around the perimeter of the ring, who pronounce the dog's nickname as it approaches. But, since it is rather difficult to organize, it is better if it is possible to train the puppy to "search" not by the sound of a voice, but by the whistle, to which it will react as a call. Such whistles can be distributed to the audience, hearing their sound, the dog, when moving around the ring, will always be in good shape and will be able to show itself in the most favorable light.
A correctly selected and pre-worked out display stand will help hide some minor flaws and present all the advantages of your dog's exterior in the most advantageous light. In this case, the angles of the front and hind legs, a smooth arched line of the neck and back must be visible. To practice this static position, use the "Stance" command and secure it with a treat. Begin consolidating the dog's muscle memory by holding it in this position for a few seconds, then the time period should be increased to 3-5 minutes.