If you care about the health and nutrition of your four-legged pet, you should always know how much it weighs. This is necessary not only in order to control his weight and keep the dog in good physical shape. In case of illness, you will have to give the dog medications, the doses of many of them are calculated taking into account his weight. Therefore, many dog owners keep journals in which they record this parameter in order to react in time and not miss the onset of pathological changes.

Step 1
Manufacturers of accessories for dogs have launched a special scale for indoor breeds. They cost a little more than one and a half hundred dollars and they can weigh a dog weighing less than 6 kg with an accuracy of 0.02 kg. Place your pet on a small stainless steel platform and the display will show your pet's exact weight.

Step 2
A dog that is restless and playful is difficult to persuade to stand still on the scale. In this case, you can use a spring balance. Place the dog in the bag and weigh it, then separately measure the weight of the bag and subtract it from the first value. The accuracy of such a measurement, of course, will not be very high, the deviation will be approximately 0.1-0.2 kg.

Step 3
If you have a bathroom scale at home, then you can control not only your weight, but also the weight of your four-legged friend. Step on the scale, determine how much you weigh, and write down the resulting value. Then take the dog in your arms and weigh again with it. Write down the result and subtract your weight from it.

Step 4
You can weigh a dog of any size at a veterinary clinic. They are usually equipped with special, fairly accurate scales on which the animals are weighed. In this case, you do not have to lift the dog in your arms.

Step 5
A large dog can be weighed on a large floor scale, which is used at wholesale vegetable stores. At the command "Sit!" freeze your pet on the weighing plate and fix its weight.

Step 6
As a last resort, visit the nearest airport with your dog. There are always scales for weighing luggage in airport lounges. In order not to cause complaints from employees, put on a muzzle, a leash, take a newspaper with you and place it on the scales before putting the animal on them.