So you've got a puppy. And it doesn't matter if you bought it for yourself or if you finally succumbed to the requests of your beloved child. In any case, you cannot stay away from the initial training of the dog. For what your pet will become in the future directly depends on the norms of behavior imparted to him in puppyhood.

Step 1
From the very first days, there is a problem of teaching the puppy to send the toilet correctly. The doggie is not yet able to control himself, but by his behavior you can already guess the moment when he wants to relieve himself. Better for the time of growing up of a little four-footed friend, remove carpets and rugs from the floor, at least in the room where you assigned him a place. At first, put old newspapers and other thick paper of a sufficient size right on the floor. The puppy will definitely choose them for his toilet. Such a precaution will make it much easier to care for the puppy

Step 2
Feed your puppy at the same time and be sure to remove the bowl when finished. This will teach him to eat food completely and prevent the future dog from the bad habit of looking for and picking up something edible on the street, which means that it will eliminate the danger of poisoning. Train your pet to start eating on command as early as possible. Never play with him while feeding or tease him. At the same time, on the command "Give!" the dog should walk away from the bowl without regret

Step 3
While rewarding with a treat, give the treat in your open palm. This will force the puppy to take food gently, rather than trying to bite off with his fingers. Accompany the treat with the words "good", "well done." Ideally, the dog should continue to work for an affectionate word with no less zeal than for a treat.

Step 4
When playing with your pet, be sure to use toys, never let him bite your hands, grab your sleeves or pant leg. Don't let it play with your slippers, your clothes, your rug and leash. All attempts of improper behavior should be resolutely suppressed by the command "Fu!"