A cat is an independent, freedom-loving, proud and independent animal. With the right approach to education, a pet can become an affectionate friend for the soul.

With the appearance of any animal in the house, the lifestyle of all household members changes, with the arrival of a cat, life changes dramatically. You will have to accept or remain intolerant of the fact that the cat will be everywhere: it will climb on the table, sleep on a radiator or in a crib and, most likely, steal food.
A cat is an intelligent animal, very responsive to the upbringing process. These cunning creatures perfectly understand human speech, words, intonation and are quite capable of assimilating the basic norms of behavior adopted in a particular family. The very first thing that should be taken into account in the process of raising a cute predator is the character traits inherent in all cats without exception: independence, independence, pride, love of freedom.
Try never to offend the cat, and if it happened inadvertently, in all seriousness, apologize, caress your offended friend, treat it to tasty. A proud animal, in response to an offense or gross punishment, can refuse to eat for a long time, bringing itself to almost exhaustion, or shit in the wrong place. There are real cases when a cat, for example, made a pile under the bed at the head of the owner, if it felt resentment or jealousy.
Also, cats do not like violent caresses. Unlike dogs, which you can call at any time and they will willingly pick up the game started by the owner or allow you to scratch the abdomen, the cat will come up on its own when it wants to bask on the owner's lap. This important point should be especially monitored if the family has children. A child wants to cuddle a kitten, play with him, if we allow it, then we risk getting an adult semi-wild cat or a cat, which, among other things, also bite and scratch. Explain to the kid that you should not forcefully catch and hold the animal, but rather wait until the cat itself shows interest in the game.
The same rule applies to such unpleasant but necessary procedures as bathing, clipping, and ear cleaning. Violence and harshness should never be shown to a cat. The animal understands our speech, intonations, therefore, speaking in a quiet and calm, confident voice, you can achieve more than keeping the cat in the bath by force and trying to somehow redeem it. In this case, it is impossible to avoid deep scratches on the hands, and the animal's nervous system will certainly suffer from the manipulations performed.
Raising a cat with a stable, balanced psyche is possible only through love and affection. Even the punishment should be as mild as possible. You cannot poke a cat with its muzzle into a puddle or an eaten cutlet. This will cause a completely different reaction that we would like to see. Instead of obedience and good behavior, we risk getting a puddle in our slippers, a pile under the bed, or a hunger strike.
It is difficult to teach a cat not to climb on the table or steal food, because in felines it is in the blood, at the level of instinct. Fill the bowl with food on time, make sure that your pet is full, do not leave tidbits or your cat's favorite food on the table for a long time and unattended, and stop any attempts to steal food. The easiest and most harmless way is to spray water from a spray bottle into a thieving animal. This will not offend the cat, but it will make it clear that you are unhappy with her behavior. The action can be supported by the word "No!" or "Fu!"
So that the cat does not have the habit of sleeping or walking on the table, you need to stop the kitten's attempts to jump on the table or immediately remove the kitten from the table. And remember that a cat can hardly tell the difference between a computer or desk and a dining table, and if you allow your cat to sleep on the keyboard, then do not be surprised that your attempts to keep the cat out of the dining table will be confused.
Of course, a lot depends on the breed of the cat, on the nature of a particular animal, but in general, a good friend can be raised from a fluffy outbred lump.