Scientific and technological progress can also serve the needs of our four-legged pets. Not so long ago appeared gadgets for them can significantly facilitate the life of both the owner and the pet. What are these devices?

Step 1
The first gadget we are considering is an automatic drinker for four-legged animals, which is indispensable when the owners leave. The device is a plastic tank and a floor bowl into which water from the tank flows. Many models are equipped with a timer that only opens the water for a certain time. There are also drinkers that work on the principle of a fountain without splashing liquid.
Step 2
There are also automatic feeders. This is a container in which you put dry food, and a special compartment into which food is supplied in small portions. Some devices are controlled via a smartphone and the host can control the feeding time and portion size. Many models of these feeders are equipped with a timer.
Step 3
Not playing with your cat with a laser pointer? But the lovers of our smaller brothers invented a robot that is able to move around the house and tease the pet with the light that came from nowhere (for the pet). This device will allow the owner to go about their business while his four-legged friend is playing.
Step 4
The next gadget is a collar-mounted camera that allows the owner to find out what the pet was doing in his absence. The camera takes pictures at a set time interval and runs on two batteries. True, such a device is not suitable for all animals - it will be too large for small animals.
Step 5
The GPS sensor attached to the animal is able to let the owner know about the location of his pet. Some devices send signals about the movement of the pet to the owner's computer or smartphone. The device is small, and often also has a special button for sending an SOS signal to the owner.
Step 6
Some animals are not able to jump on a chair or sofa on their own due to their size. It was for them that a special soft staircase was invented, which can be put to the furniture and make life easier for your pet. Such an invention will be useful for old and sick animals.