For some dog lover, a lazy shaggy friend who loves to lie on the couch or chase neighbor cats is quite enough. But for some, this is not enough. Such owners want to see their four-legged friend not on the sofa, but on a pedestal. However, raising a champion dog is not easy.

Step 1
Get the "right" puppy. If you really dream of raising a champion dog, then accept the fact that not every kid can grow up to be a winner of exhibitions. Prepare for difficulties: not every litter of eminent parents will have a new champion. In addition, when a puppy is just born, it is very difficult to discern deviations from breed standards in him. Nurseries also do not play into the hands of future winners of exhibitions for strangers. So get ready for a long search and for the fact that your wallet will lose weight very noticeably.

Step 2
Start cooking your puppy as soon as he arrives in your home. Carry out preparation on several fronts at once - engage in training, social adaptation, feed the pet correctly and monitor its appearance. Show dogs cannot have any health problems, so proper diet, vaccinations and vitamin intake are essential.

Step 3
Train your puppy. A show dog must perfectly know all the basic commands and obey the owner unquestioningly. Such dogs do not allow themselves to chew on slippers or tear furniture.

Step 4
Keep a close eye on the condition of your dog's coat, nails and teeth. Trim the coat and nails in time, brush the dog regularly. Use only high quality and proven cosmetics (shampoos, conditioners, ointments).
Experienced breeders recommend feeding the dogs only once a day after an evening walk. Dogs that are overfed gain extra weight very quickly, which is a common cause of show failure.
Step 5
Train your dog for public attention. Take your little puppy to the show to see how it goes. Don't let him bark and jump at people. In general, teach him that in society he should behave like a very well-mannered respectable pet