You have dreamed of a best friend for a long time and decided to take a puppy. It doesn't matter which breed you choose, but no one will like a dog that attacks people, runs under a car, barks for no reason and ruins things in the house. The little furry friend will always delight you if you start teaching him good behavior in time. But in order for the training to please the puppy himself, you need to correctly approach the classes. The quality of command execution by the dog depends not only on the pet itself, but also on its owner: on how he will teach the puppy commands.

It is advisable to start training the puppy from three to six months. At this age, the basic principles of obedience are laid. Training young dogs requires endurance and understanding from the owner. The time of the class should be joyful, but different from the time of the games. The puppy should have extremely pleasant emotions, while he should receive enough praise and encouragement from the owner.
Your job as the owner is to show the puppy that learning is enjoyable. Training is work that requires patience, diligence and love. You should be as calm as possible. Do not work with your puppy if you are tired or angry. You do not need to threaten your pet, you can not frighten with a loud voice and sudden movements. He will not understand your curses, only he will be more frightened.
In the first lessons, the puppy will not yet understand what you are asking for. He just wants to play. Be glad that he does the first exercises correctly. Praise your baby generously after successful attempts, then take a break and play with him. It is important that the lesson ends with praise and play. This way your pet will not get tired and will remain cheerful.
Move on to more difficult workouts, always end the lesson with well-learned exercises. And, of course, praise from the bottom of your heart. The dog is always trying to please the owner, trying to win approval. Therefore, do not regret words of praise for excellent work.
Try to sincerely enjoy the training of your pet yourself, because the dog feels the mood of the owner. Be patient, do not use force, explain calmly and lovingly. While learning something new, do not raise your voice if it is done incorrectly, do not correct the puppy harshly. Don't get angry yourself. Do not pile up over the baby with your whole body, it is better to sit down and be on the same level. All these nuances in the future will affect the ability of the dog.
The owner's goal is to gain the puppy's trust. Let him know that class is a time when they can be together. Then the puppy will look forward to this time and enjoy the training.