So, a small barking ball of wool has appeared in your house. It does not yet have powerful paws or strong jaws, but the foundations of behavior are already beginning to be laid. Therefore, if at an early age, let the upbringing of a puppy take its course, further life with a dog will turn into hell.

Step 1
It is necessary to teach the dog to order. Special time should be set aside for feeding and walking. The dog needs to get used to obeying a certain schedule. Otherwise, the dog will grow up to be extremely moody.
Step 2
Under no circumstances should a puppy be encouraged to bite or growl. Yes, from the outside it looks like an innocent child's play, but be sure that in a year it will take root into a habit and instead of a little fluffy a big evil dog will appear in front of you, which will use its teeth at any moment if he doesn't like something.
Step 3
Never physically punish your dog. Yes, that's right, you can't beat for a gnawed slipper under any circumstances. Because dogs remember everything. And at one point, a downtrodden doggie will show itself in all its glory. Then the owners will have to hide in the corners.
Step 4
It is also impossible to reward for misconduct, this will develop in her a false understanding of what is good and what is bad. It is almost impossible to re-educate an adult dog, even with the help of an instructor.
Step 5
The dog needs its own bed. She should not share the bed with the owner. Basically, this means that the person puts the dog in second place after himself. Therefore, the animal can begin to treat all other inhabitants with disdain, or rather, simply ignore.
Step 6
Do not be allowed to show aggression towards other animals. Especially on a walk. This rule should save not only the dog from injury in a fight, but also the owner himself from problems. If the dog is small, then the problem is solved easily, you can simply carry it away. But it is quite difficult to cope with a large, angry dog who is determined to sort things out.
Step 7
You shouldn't be allowed to play with your things. If old shoes and trousers were allocated to the puppy as a toy, then as an adult he will certainly embellish the owner's wardrobe with the marks of his teeth and claws. And he will not understand why they are scolding him, because his toys in childhood were no different from what is on the shelf of the closet.
Step 8
Remember that a puppy needs your care and never forget about raising your pet.