Wild Animals

How To Breed Rabbits At Home

How To Breed Rabbits At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Due to the fact that rabbits are a source of dietary meat, skins, fluff and fertilizers, and it is quite simple and profitable to breed these animals, an increasing number of people prefer this type of business. How to breed rabbits correctly?

How To Determine If A Swordsman Is Pregnant

How To Determine If A Swordsman Is Pregnant

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Swordsmen are small, peace-loving fish that decorate any aquarium. This type of fish belongs to viviparous, therefore, it is quite easy to determine whether the female swordtails are pregnant. Instructions Step 1 Swordtails reach sexual maturity by 6-8 months

How To Knit Scottish Cats

How To Knit Scottish Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Mating animals is a rather responsible process, because the quality of future offspring depends on how it goes. For the result to meet expectations, it is necessary to choose the right place and time to breed Scottish cats. It is necessary - an agreement with the owner of the animal

How To Breed Broilers

How To Breed Broilers

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Broilers are an early maturing meat breed that cannot be obtained at home. At poultry farms, the breed is bred by crossing the white Cornish breed with the meat and egg white Plymouth Rock breed. If you evaporate the eggs obtained from hybrid broilers, the offspring of the beef breed will not work, since the crossing must be carried out constantly in order to obtain an early maturing beef breed

How To Raise Rams

How To Raise Rams

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Pet owners are well aware that keeping and caring for a pet requires a host of large and small responsibilities. They cannot be forgotten or postponed, they cannot be neglected. All this is true not only for indoor inhabitants - cats or parrots, but also for the inhabitants of the free space - rams, the cultivation of which is also associated with some mandatory procedures

How To Breed Barbs

How To Breed Barbs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The barbus is most often a small, but very bright and beautiful fish of the carp family. In Russia, the most popular is the Sumatran barb, but some aquarists also breed clown barbs, cross and fire barbs. These fish are quite, unpretentious to food, water temperature, they are easy to keep

How To Tell The Difference Between A Female And A Male Cancer

How To Tell The Difference Between A Female And A Male Cancer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

For many connoisseurs, cancer is a favorite delicacy that never gets boring. It has a unique taste and great nutritional value. There are different types of these arthropods, and each is a little different from the others. However, the main differences between the female and the male remain the same

How To Breed Goslings In An Incubator

How To Breed Goslings In An Incubator

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

You can buy goslings at a poultry farm or get a brood at home using a goose for incubation. But nowadays, electric incubators are increasingly being used. Depending on the size of the device, a large number of young stock can be obtained at once

How To Keep Broilers

How To Keep Broilers

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many poultry farmers prefer to raise broiler chickens at home. Individuals reach maximum growth within fifty days from the moment of birth, are heavy. The meat of such chickens is also used in baby food; many dishes are prepared from it. Instructions Step 1 Buy ten day old chicks, those that hatched earlier may die

How To Raise Goslings In An Incubator

How To Raise Goslings In An Incubator

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When goslings are left without a brood, or they were initially bred in an incubator, it is necessary to provide suitable conditions for their development. Otherwise, the chicks may die or grow up weak, with obvious physical defects. Goslings hatch from eggs 29-31 days after the start of hatching, at which time you should completely prepare the room for them

How To Determine The Age Of A Puppy

How To Determine The Age Of A Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When purchasing a purebred puppy from breeders, you know exactly the date of his birth. But what if the puppy was picked up on the street? Or maybe it was bought on the market and you are gnawed by doubts: is the age indicated correctly? Especially if the dog is small breeds

How To Knit Sphinxes

How To Knit Sphinxes

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Mating cats of a particular breed, including sphinxes, has its own distinctive features. And the important thing here is to do everything right, taking into account the various nuances, in order to ultimately get the desired result. It is necessary - passport of vaccinations

How To Tell The Gender Of Newts

How To Tell The Gender Of Newts

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Tailed amphibians - newts have long settled in living corners. You can watch for hours the life of these beautiful animals - their amazing metamorphoses, spectacular mating games. Among lovers of domestic amphibians, the smooth and comb species are very popular

How To Mix Cats

How To Mix Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When deciding to have a cat, you must immediately decide on the choice of whether the animal will bear offspring or not. If there is no desire to breed cats, then it is better to sterilize it. But those owners who dream of tinkering with kittens need to familiarize themselves with all the nuances of this business

How To Tell The Gender Of A Dzungarian Hamster

How To Tell The Gender Of A Dzungarian Hamster

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dzungarian hamsters are cute and funny creatures. These are some of the favorite pets of man. Taking care of them is not so difficult, and you can get a lot of positive emotions from observing the animals and communicating with them. When a hamster is alone, it doesn't matter what gender it is

How To Breed Crayfish

How To Breed Crayfish

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you want to start breeding crayfish for their further sale or even for personal purposes, you need to know a thing or two about the varieties of crayfish, breeding methods, and the pros and cons of one method or another. Let's take a look at everything in order

How To Grow Snails

How To Grow Snails

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Snail farming is becoming more and more popular. No wonder. After all, snails are calm and unpretentious pets. The color and size of snails may vary. You can easily choose the breed that suits you. More than one and a half thousand of them live in Russia

How To Breed Laying Hens

How To Breed Laying Hens

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Breeding chickens is a fun and exciting job. Before you start breeding poultry, you need to draw up a plan that will take into account the most important points for this type of activity. This will allow you to determine the livestock, breed, costs and profit from breeding poultry

How To Breed Budgerigars

How To Breed Budgerigars

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Breeding budgerigars is not a very difficult process, but it has its own subtleties. As a result, this can become quite a profitable business, so it is worth finding out the main recommendations of specialists in this regard. Instructions Step 1 Start breeding parrots around early summer

What Snail Eggs Look Like

What Snail Eggs Look Like

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The eggs of aquatic and land snails have some differences. The methods of laying and reproduction of these gastropods are also dissimilar. However, the offspring of any species of snails are often prey for insects and fish, since these mollusks are not inclined to protect them

How Long After Giving Birth Can A Cat Be Sterilized

How Long After Giving Birth Can A Cat Be Sterilized

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Usually, veterinarians advise to resolve the issue of neutering the cat as early as possible - during puberty of the animal. There is no need to wait for the first birth and sterilize after them, as is sometimes advised, especially if the owners do not plan to leave the kittens

How To Teach A Cat To Walk In A Litter Box

How To Teach A Cat To Walk In A Litter Box

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Is there a fluffy kitten in your house? This is a great event. Our little friends can give a sea of love and positive emotions. But the animal in the house is not only entertainment, but also a great responsibility. And the most common problem that pet owners have to face is that he does not go to the toilet in a specially designated place for him

How To Care For Snails

How To Care For Snails

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you dream of a calm, quiet and kind pet, you should get a snail. The snail is ideal for those people who do not have enough time to walk a pet, take care of its fur or puzzle over a balanced diet. In addition, a snail can give you a lot of positive emotions - while caring for snails is extremely easy

How To Clean A Kitten's Ears

How To Clean A Kitten's Ears

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In a healthy animal, the ears should be clean. As a preventive measure, check your pet regularly. If you notice a significant amount of dark brown sulfur, redness, foul odor or rashes, contact your veterinarian. Instructions Step 1 A healthy animal sometimes has to clean its ears for aesthetic purposes, for example, if your pet has to show off at an exhibition

How To Wean A Cat From Shitting In Flowers

How To Wean A Cat From Shitting In Flowers

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many pet lovers complain that their cats love to shit in a flower pot. Raising pets takes a lot of patience and perseverance, you must teach your cat the right manners. Including - to relieve yourself in a tray or ask to go outside. It is necessary cat repeller, sticky tape, cardboard, thorns, tray, cat litter Instructions Step 1 Check why your cat is rejecting the litter box you trained her to

How To Tie The Ears On A Horse

How To Tie The Ears On A Horse

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Any horse will need a hat - not only to protect the ears from the cold, but also to protect against flies and horseflies, the scorching sun, loud sounds and screams. You can tie the ears on a horse yourself, you just need to set aside time for this and learn how to use a crochet or knitting needles

How To Train A Kitten To The Tray

How To Train A Kitten To The Tray

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A clean mother cat teaches to use the kitten's toilet. But when the new owner takes him to another house, the kitten is lost. How can you help him get used to a new place and accustom him to the tray? It is necessary - tray

How To Stop A Cat From Writing Anywhere

How To Stop A Cat From Writing Anywhere

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many animal lovers have a cat as a pet, this is an insanely cute creature that can become a real family member. But often, cat owners are faced with such an unpleasant situation as puddles of urine in the wrong place. In this case, do not be angry with your pet, find out the reason for this behavior of the cat and try to eliminate it

How To Wean A Kitten From Shitting In The Wrong Place

How To Wean A Kitten From Shitting In The Wrong Place

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Baby animals are stupid enough, so they do not understand where to go to the toilet. But if you explain everything to the kitten and teach him, then he will gradually learn everything. If you brought home a still very small fluffy, be patient and start raising him

How To Bathe A Kitten

How To Bathe A Kitten

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is common knowledge that cats do not like to swim. Usually, each bath of a desperate meowing creature brings stress to both the animal and the owner who bathes it. So is it necessary to bathe a kitten and when exactly is it better to do it?

How To Wash Hamsters

How To Wash Hamsters

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The question "is it okay to bathe hamsters?" often worries the owners of these cute and funny rodents. It should be noted that washing hamsters in the truest sense of the word is not recommended. In fact, hamsters are pretty neat and tidy animals, so they are able to maintain their coat in excellent condition on their own

How To Stop A Cat From Shitting Anywhere

How To Stop A Cat From Shitting Anywhere

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cats are very clean and cute animals. But sometimes their owners begin to strongly doubt this immutable truth. Problems begin when your pet for some reason decided that the whole apartment is one big cat litter box. And showing enviable stubbornness, he does not want to part with this conviction

How To Cut A Kitten's Claws

How To Cut A Kitten's Claws

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you have a kitten, then either scratched furniture and ripped wallpaper have already become a common thing for your home, or you are waiting in fear when your pet's claws will grow up and he will begin to try everything around that he finds in the apartment

How To Put A Leash On Your Cat

How To Put A Leash On Your Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you have a cat, you probably know how great her natural curiosity and craving is to find out what is happening outside the door of the house or apartment. If the area where you live allows, take your pet for walks. But don't forget about safety

How To Get Rid Of Fleas From A Kitten

How To Get Rid Of Fleas From A Kitten

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Fleas in a small kitten are quite common, because they easily pass to him from the mother or from other animals. It is not difficult to remove these unwanted "tenants" from a small pet if you follow certain recommendations. Instructions Step 1 Get a special flea shampoo from your veterinarian and follow the instructions on it to wash your kitten

How To Stop A Cat From Tearing Up Wallpaper

How To Stop A Cat From Tearing Up Wallpaper

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is quite difficult to wean a cat from tearing wallpaper, because this is their innate behavior. The process of scratching is both mechanical (cleaning the claws) and social (leaving the secret of the glands that are located between the claws, the cat demonstrates its confidence)

How To Stop A Kitten From Biting And Scratching

How To Stop A Kitten From Biting And Scratching

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The kitten brings joy, comfort, a cheerful and lively atmosphere to the house - but the joy of the appearance of a small living creature can be overshadowed by his bad manners and bad manners, since the kitten has not yet been trained in the rules of behavior

How To Name A Hunting Dog

How To Name A Hunting Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Choosing a nickname for a dog must be serious, because she will have to live with it for many years. Like humans, dogs have a relationship between name and character. Choosing the right nickname for your hunting dog is even more important as it will often hear its name

How To Get Rid Of Cat Litter Odor

How To Get Rid Of Cat Litter Odor

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The impression of even the most beautiful and well-kept apartment can be spoiled by the unpleasant odor from the cat litter box. Even if the pet does not stain in the wrong places, his legal toilet can smell unbearably. It is good if there is an opportunity to let the cat go for a walk, but what if the pet does not leave the house?

How To Cut Guinea Pig Nails

How To Cut Guinea Pig Nails

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Guinea pigs are very cute and sociable animals. They can be a wonderful gift for almost anyone who loves animals. It is very interesting to observe these curious babies, and in order for the pig not to yearn and be active and cheerful, it is better to keep a couple of individuals at once (if you do not want to get offspring, buy same-sex guinea pigs) or give your single pet enough attention