Choosing a nickname for a dog must be serious, because she will have to live with it for many years. Like humans, dogs have a relationship between name and character. Choosing the right nickname for your hunting dog is even more important as it will often hear its name. The nickname should be short, sonorous and rather rare.

Step 1
Hunting breeds include the Afghan Hound, Greyhound, Drathaar, Cocker Spaniel, Kurzhaar, Fox Terrier, Laika, Russian Greyhound and many others. For dogs of these breeds, you need to choose a short (consisting of no more than two syllables), clear and beautiful nickname. Do not use human names for dogs, as it can be awkward while walking or hunting. Also, you should not call puppies by the nicknames of their parents or give the same nicknames to puppies of the same litter. Do not give your dog the name of a predecessor, especially if he is dead. There is such a superstition that, along with the nickname, a dog can inherit a tragic fate.

Step 2
The nickname is chosen depending on the breed. Hunting dogs are agile, active, fast and strong, consider these qualities when choosing nicknames. Find lists of popular hunting dog nicknames and “try on” a favorite for your puppy. For males, common nicknames are Ataman, Thunder, Dagger, Fog, Hawk, Falcon, Robber, for bitches - Groza, Saiga, Krylatka, Volna, Yula, Courage, Blizzard. The nickname of a hunting dog can emphasize belligerence, anger towards a predator - Hit, Fierce, Karai.

Step 3
Pay attention to the qualities and character of your dog. Depending on what quality is most developed - agility, indefatigability, strength, flair, quick wit, dexterity, perseverance - choose a suitable nickname (Prank, Glorious, Cheat, Throw, Excitement, Arrogance).

Step 4
Don't give your dog a too popular name - Mukhtar, Naida, Lassie. Get creative, but don't choose a name that is too sophisticated, difficult to pronounce and weird. Choose a nickname that contains the sounds "l", "m", "r", "s", the syllables "ah", "av" ("af") - Naida, Mike, Count. It is also better that the nickname has more sonorous sounds, the dogs like deaf nicknames less.

Step 5
If you can't find a nickname in any way, look at the official papers that were received when buying a puppy. The name of the puppy is indicated there, which, according to tradition, begins with a letter denoting the serial number of the litter, and consists of several parts. Think about what you can do with this name - shorten it, take the second part, alter it a bit to get a sonorous, beautiful and short name.