The question "is it okay to bathe hamsters?" often worries the owners of these cute and funny rodents. It should be noted that washing hamsters in the truest sense of the word is not recommended. In fact, hamsters are pretty neat and tidy animals, so they are able to maintain their coat in excellent condition on their own. Hamsters wash and brush their hair daily.

Regular washing is not necessary for hamsters - even an old and large animal, which is no longer able to fully take care of itself, instead of bathing, it is enough to clean it with a damp cloth. But sometimes dirt can accumulate on the hamster's fur, which the animal cannot clean on its own. In this case, bathing is indispensable.

1. Severe contamination of the fur or the presence of parasites is a good reason to redeem a hamster. But at the same time, you need to know how to properly wash hamsters, otherwise there is a great risk of damaging the health of the animal. First of all, you should draw warm, but by no means hot, water into the bathing container. Choosing the right shampoo is also important. If you find any parasites in the hamster's fur, use a special antiparasitic shampoo, but while bathing, make sure that the foam does not get into the hamster's ears or eyes.

2. Regular hamster shampoo also lathers a lot, so lather your pet with the utmost care. The animal's eyes are extremely vulnerable. Rinse off the shampoo very thoroughly with plenty of warm water. After rinsing the fur of the hamster well with lukewarm water, rinse it immediately with water at room temperature. After that, you can start drying.

3. Remember that animals like hamsters are extremely prone to colds. To protect the animal from respiratory diseases, dry its fur immediately after bathing. This can be done with a hair dryer or soft towel. A wet hamster is very vulnerable to drafts, so keep drying until you are sure the hamster is not cold.

4. Usually hamsters are quite calm about bathing and are not afraid of water procedures. What's more, some hamsters are partial to bathing. Therefore, if you want to pamper your hamster, try putting a shallow bath of water in his cage - but do not leave the animal unattended.