Wild Animals

How To Determine The Sex Of A Dog

How To Determine The Sex Of A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many new breeders complain that it is difficult to determine the sex of puppies in the first weeks of their life. To know for sure who your future pet is - a boy or a girl, show the baby to the veterinarian. Although it is quite possible to cope on your own using the traditional method of examining puppies

How To Find Out The Weight Of A Bull

How To Find Out The Weight Of A Bull

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Bulls and cows are the most important animals in agriculture. They are used to obtain meat, milk and leather. They are bred in huge numbers all over the world and are used as another type of livestock. Often, when handling this kind of cattle, there is a need to know its weight

How To Name A Cat

How To Name A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When a cat appears in the house, you are faced with a lot of pleasant, but at the same time exciting questions. It doesn't matter that, as a first approximation, you decided most of them some time ago. Here, this fluffy happiness looks into the eyes, and immediately a dozen of the most diverse doubts fall on you

How To Build A Chicken Nest

How To Build A Chicken Nest

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Chickens are one of the most common types of birds that are bred in the household. Many chicken breeders know how uncomfortable it can be to walk around and collect eggs laid by their pets all over the yard. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to create certain conditions for them, namely to equip the chicken coop with nests for layers

How To Tell A Duck From A Goose

How To Tell A Duck From A Goose

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Ducks and geese are waterfowl and share many features. The plumage of these birds is impervious to water, and their paws are equipped with membranes. Feeding, nesting and even mating are associated with water in their lives. And yet, there are quite serious differences between the duck and the goose, which are most noticeable in the color and size of the representatives of this group

How To Name A Girl Hamster

How To Name A Girl Hamster

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The child was presented with a hamster, but calling him "kitty-kitty" is somehow out of place? You can think of a funny name for your pet! It is necessary fantasy, sense of humor Instructions Step 1 It is important for a hamster, especially if it is a girl, that he, that is, her, is fed nourishingly, densely, regularly, the house is clean, and the bedding is warm

How To Tell A Goose From A Goose

How To Tell A Goose From A Goose

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many inexperienced poultry farmers, deciding to breed geese on their backyard farm, often ask themselves the question: "How to distinguish a goose from a gander?" Indeed, until a certain age, birds differ little in appearance. But people who have been breeding these birds for a long time have several secrets

How To Distinguish A Snake From A Viper

How To Distinguish A Snake From A Viper

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

At the word "snake" a person often has negative emotions and associations. Many people are afraid of them, some are used to them due to the fact that they live in areas with snakes and just know how to handle and fight them. On the territory of Russia, snakes are found, but one should distinguish a viper from a snake, since it is already a harmless snake and not dangerous, and the viper is the most common poisonous snake in central Russia

How To Tell A Boy's Kitten From A Girl's

How To Tell A Boy's Kitten From A Girl's

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cats are one of the favorite pets. Who doesn't love these cute, clawed, purring creatures? For the establishment of a new pet in the house, many begin to prepare in advance. They buy beautiful bowls, balls, toy mice and dry food, come up with a name and imagine how a cute kitty will meet them at home after work, and someone with a mustachioed insolent cat

How To Tell A Girl Hamster From A Boy Hamster

How To Tell A Girl Hamster From A Boy Hamster

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Distinguishing a girl hamster from a boy hamster can sometimes be difficult. At first glance, it is possible to determine the sex only in Dzungarian hamsters - the hair of the male "Dzungarik" is much longer than the hair of the females

How To Get Cat Urine Odor Off Your Shoes

How To Get Cat Urine Odor Off Your Shoes

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many have come across such a nuisance at least once - a beloved cat, or even a pet of friends to whom you came to visit, shamelessly marked your shoes. What to do? Can I wash my shoes and get rid of the smell, or do I have to throw my shoes away?

How To Name A Black Kitten - Boy

How To Name A Black Kitten - Boy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When a fluffy addition - a kitten - appears in the house, then one of the primary problems is choosing a name for a new family member. After all, I do not want to call the baby anyhow! But it is especially difficult to choose a nickname if the kitten is black

How To Name A Gray Cat

How To Name A Gray Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Your cat's gray color will go well with any piece of furniture that she wishes to settle on. There are a huge number of shades of gray, and some consider it more mysterious than black. Choose an original name for your pet that will reflect her personality and unusual shade of coat

How To Get Cat Urine Odor Off Carpet

How To Get Cat Urine Odor Off Carpet

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The smell of cat urine is one of the most pungent and difficult to remove. Therefore, it is easier to prevent its occurrence than to eliminate it. But if the trouble has already occurred, you can remove the smell of cat urine with folk remedies, but you will have to make a little effort

How To Get Chickens To Rush

How To Get Chickens To Rush

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Low egg production of chickens most often worries the owners of personal subsidiary farms in the autumn-winter period. In order for the chickens to carry consistently well at any time of the year, they should be properly kept and fed. It is necessary - additional lighting

How To Make Furniture For A Doll With Your Own Hands

How To Make Furniture For A Doll With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

To buy furniture, and even a whole house, is not a problem for a doll today. But soft sofas made by hand are much more pleasant than hard plastic ones bought in a store. In addition, children are generally very fond of homemade toys, as they are made with love

How To Determine The Gender Of A Land Turtle

How To Determine The Gender Of A Land Turtle

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you keep a land turtle at home and love to watch your pet, then sooner or later you should have a question: "A girl or a boy?" The exact sex of a turtle is only possible when your pet is six to eight years old, and the length of the shell exceeds 10 cm

How To Name A Boy's Hamster

How To Name A Boy's Hamster

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Hamsters are very cute and funny creatures. Now many keep them in their apartments as pets. They do not take up much space and do not require particularly careful maintenance. In addition, you can feed them with anything: cereals, vegetables, fruits, seeds

How To Name A Dog-boy

How To Name A Dog-boy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A dog, according to the French zoologist Cuvier, is the most important and useful acquisition that a person can only make in his life. If you've made this purchase and are wondering what to name your dog, take your time. The name will carry information about your pet, affect its character and fate

How To Tell A Pigeon From A Dove

How To Tell A Pigeon From A Dove

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Pigeon breeding is a highly developed branch of poultry farming, which people in many countries of the world are engaged in. The first pigeons were tamed by man 5000 years ago, and today more than 800 pigeon breeds can be distinguished. All breeds are divided into three categories:

How To Name A Pit Bull

How To Name A Pit Bull

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

“As you name the ship, so it will float”, the same can be said about the name of your favorite pet. It is especially difficult to choose a nickname for a dog, in the breed of which a strong and persistent character is already knowingly laid

What Is The Use Of A Cat In An Apartment

What Is The Use Of A Cat In An Apartment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cats are extremely useful animals. Cat owners live longer and are less likely to get sick, better tolerate stress. Pets save them from natural disasters, help them observe the daily routine and keep order in the house. How do cats manage to do this?

What To Do If A Cat Has Watery Eyes

What To Do If A Cat Has Watery Eyes

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If a cat has watery eyes and squints, the owners of the pet often panic, suspecting that he has any disease. Fortunately, this phenomenon is often harmless. Diagnosis of the condition of the animal is required in order to select the appropriate treatment

How To Train Your Dog To Walk

How To Train Your Dog To Walk

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Outdoor training is a very important component of a dog's harmonious life in an apartment. This process requires a lot of strength and patience from the owner, so it is important to know: how to properly teach your dog to walk. It is necessary - collar and leash

How To Walk Your Dogs

How To Walk Your Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Walking the dog is the sacred duty of its owner. Daily walks provide the animal with the necessary physical activity, provide an opportunity to satisfy its needs, and allow contact with other dogs. You need to walk your dog correctly. It is necessary - collar, leash, muzzle

How To Train Your Dog To Clothes

How To Train Your Dog To Clothes

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Some loving owners prefer to dress their pets in the latest fashion. And for the owners of small dogs living in Russia, this is a necessity, otherwise in winter the animal runs the risk of catching a cold. However, it is rare for a dog to dress carefully chosen clothes with joy, while most need to be patiently trained to do so

How To Discourage Dogs

How To Discourage Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A dog is a friend of man. But sometimes her behavior can cause a lot of inconvenience. For example, a neighbor's dog got into the habit of marking poles or trees with urine on your site. Thus, he kind of signals: I am in charge here, this is my territory

All About Dachshunds: How To Walk, Feed, Maintain

All About Dachshunds: How To Walk, Feed, Maintain

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dachshund is an unusual dog. She combines the activity of a real hunter and the charm of a plush toy. For many years, dachshunds have been man's loyal and loving friends. Dachshund is a popular dog breed all over the world. Despite their small stature, long body and short legs, these dogs are mobile and muscular creatures

How To Choose A Dog

How To Choose A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Every person has a moment in life when he absolutely needs to have a dog. The problem is that most of us fall in love with a particular breed, not the idea itself. When the question arises that this breed requires special care, special food, and the puppy stands like a mink coat, the idea loses its relevance

How To Choose A Breed

How To Choose A Breed

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A dog is a friend, companion and playmate, a silent companion and a devoted being. When choosing a dog, listen to yourself and your loved ones, because each breed has its own character. Instructions Step 1 If you are young and active, choose breeds that are cheerful and cheerful

How To Choose Your Dog

How To Choose Your Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Choosing a dog is a very responsible event. Now there are more than 400 dog breeds in the world, each of which has its own characteristics, habits and character. It is necessary books about dog breeds, opinions of all family members Instructions Step 1 First of all, weigh all the circumstances of the acquisition of the dog

Choosing A Dog: How To Do It Right

Choosing A Dog: How To Do It Right

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The choice of a dog is a responsible event, because it depends on your decision who will live side by side with you for ten to fifteen years. Will your friend be a tough guard, a loyal companion, or a darling loved by family members? Everything depends on you

How To Choose A Good Puppy

How To Choose A Good Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Having decided on the breed of the dog, you will have an equally important event - to choose a puppy. Little puppies are very similar to each other, so it is rather difficult to determine which one is "your". Some people think that the dog needs to look in the eyes, and everything will become clear

Who Is Fenech

Who Is Fenech

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Fenech is a small animal that lives in the desert regions of the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. It is considered the national animal of Algeria. The state even issues coins with his image. The name comes from the Arabic "fanak"

What Can You Call A Tabby Cat

What Can You Call A Tabby Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Do you want to give your pet a majestic, humorous or kind nickname? Choose a name for a tabby cat, based not only on your own eccentricity, but also on the character, physique and color characteristics of the animal. Instructions Step 1 The most common nickname for a tabby cat is Matroskin

How To Take A Good Picture Of Your Pet

How To Take A Good Picture Of Your Pet

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is difficult for a non-professional photographer to take a good picture of his beloved pet, unless, of course, he is sleeping. But I want to capture the most interesting moments when the animal plays, eats, hunts. There are a few secrets for non-professionals to get a good picture of their beloved pet

How To Tame A Degu

How To Tame A Degu

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Rodents, especially exotic ones, are becoming very popular pets. Degu is a small animal up to fifteen centimeters in size with short, hard hair, resembling its closest relative, the chinchilla, in appearance. Caring for him is simple, these animals do not emit strong odors, they look very cute

How To Treat Rickets In A Cat

How To Treat Rickets In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Rickets is one of the most dangerous diseases. Its cause is a serious violation of the metabolic process in the animal's body. Most often, rickets occurs in kittens, but in rare cases, the disease can develop in an adult cat. The disease is treated in several ways, including both medical methods and traditional medicine

What To Do If The Cat Vomits

What To Do If The Cat Vomits

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is not uncommon for cat owners to worry when their pets vomit. The causes of the gag reflex may not always be serious. As a rule, cats vomit once and for a short time. The alarm should be sounded when this process is repeated and has been going on for more than a day

How To Feed A Lapdog

How To Feed A Lapdog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Lapdogs are a fairly large group of miniature decorative dogs. Height, corresponding to the breed standard, is only 18-25 cm at the withers with a weight of 3-4 kilograms. They love lapdogs not only for their benevolent nature. Long smooth wool gives them a unique charm