How To Mix Cats

How To Mix Cats
How To Mix Cats

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When deciding to have a cat, you must immediately decide on the choice of whether the animal will bear offspring or not. If there is no desire to breed cats, then it is better to sterilize it. But those owners who dream of tinkering with kittens need to familiarize themselves with all the nuances of this business.

How to mix cats
How to mix cats


Step 1

For the first time, a cat comes into the hunt at 7-8 months, but it is still too early to introduce her to the cat, even if she will finally get stronger before 1-1.5 years old, the pelvic bones will form. This will allow you to avoid miscarriages and the birth of defective kittens in the future. If a cat has never happened, then it is better to forget about kittens, late pregnancy will only be harmful.

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how cats get down

Step 2

The cat's desire for reproduction is manifested in estrus. The name comes from the leakage of bloody discharge during the sexual hunt. Heat in cats changes the behavior of the animal. The cat becomes especially affectionate, she rubs her legs for a long time, rolls on the floor and very often licks the genitals. When stroking, she bends her back and assumes a posture characteristic of mating.

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how many months to bring a Scottish Fold cat

Step 3

The heat in cats lasts 8-15 days, but you can bring a cat to a cat only when she herself shows a desire for this with an inviting meow. Sometimes cats may not admit a male at all, this is a consequence of her memories of a previous mating without her desire (rape).

introduce cats
introduce cats

Step 4

In general, cats are very capricious and capricious. If she does not like the cat or the environment, then she will instantly turn into a hissing toothy-clawed beast. Another time you should introduce the animals in advance, try not to change the cat, since many cats are monogamous. It is advisable to mate the cat in a familiar environment and deliver it to the groom without stress. But never force a cat to accept a cat by force!

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how to make friends between a domestic cat and a street cat

Step 5

Finally, everything turned out well. The cat is favorably disposed towards the cat and after a while lets him in. He grabs her by the scruff of the neck with his teeth and mates. Sexual intercourse is very fast. The cat begins to growl viciously, pulls out and scratches. The cat's penis has sharp notches and hurts the cat, but nature was so conceived that this is the moment that provokes ovulation. For 100% fertilization, animals are kept together for 2-3 days.
