Cat Breeds: American Curl

Cat Breeds: American Curl
Cat Breeds: American Curl

In the US state of California in 1981, a cat was discovered with strange ears, twisted back. That was an interesting mutation. A month later, the cat became pregnant, and when her kittens were born, after a while their ears also bent back. Breeding work began on these pussies, and as a result, a new breed was recognized by felinologists, which was called the American curl (from the English curl - curl, curl). Cats of this breed are widespread in the United States, while in other countries they are practically not found.

Cat Breeds: American Curl
Cat Breeds: American Curl


Cats of this breed are proportional and of medium size. The body is flexible, the muscles are well developed. The neck and chest are strong, the legs are strong and round. The head is wedge-shaped, the nose is straight. The ears are wide at the base, have rounded tips, gently curved backward by 90-180 degrees. American Curl kittens have straight ears from birth, but on days 2-10 after birth, their tips begin to curl back. By the 4th month of the kitten's life, they take their final shape. Curl ears should be handled with care to avoid damaging the fragile cartilage.

The eyes of American Curls are in the shape of an elongated oval or walnut, set obliquely, the color of the eyes can be different, but often, although not always, it is combined with the color of the coat.

Wool and color

Representatives of the American Curl breed are shorthaired and semi-longhaired. In the former, the coat is soft and silky, the awn is minimal. In the latter, it is the same, there is an edge on the collar and tail. The color can be different, both in one and the other variety.


American Curls are friendly, intelligent, unpretentious, they perfectly adapt to new living conditions and get along with all family members. They need a lot of space and a variety of toys. However, if you have small kids in your family, you should think about purchasing a cat of a different breed, because babies love to squeeze pets, and the fragile ears of curls are very easy to damage. Cats of this breed are curious and follow their owner everywhere.


Curled ears are a genetic mutation, but they do not have any effect on the health of a cat, as, for example, in a bobtail. The lifespan of curls is quite long by feline standards. However, do not forget about timely vaccinations and visits to the veterinarian.


American curls' hair does not fall off. It is enough to comb it once a week, you need to wash the animal once a month, completing the procedure by cutting the claws, because they tend to grow in, thereby causing pain to the pet. The scratching post will only save your furniture, and the claws will still grow in. Check your ears every two weeks and wipe with a damp cloth if necessary.
