Maine Coon is an American aboriginal cat with long hair. Representatives of this breed are large animals, perfectly adapted to survive in the wild.

Step 1
Maine Coon head is wide, wedge-shaped. It is elongated in length, which is necessary for these animals to get food in the wild. The skull is square, the forehead is significantly rounded, there are high and convex zygomatic arches.

Step 2
Eyes in relation to the outer edge of the ear are located somewhat obliquely, they are set wide. The size of the eyes is large, the shape is oval. Eye color can be different: green, blue, gold.

Step 3
The auricle is large, high, and wide at the base. A slight outward tilt of the auricle is noticeable. The distance between the ears does not exceed the width of the base of the auricle.

Step 4
Large ears are necessary for the Maine Coon in the wild in order to perfectly control the situation around him. The animal's ears are also distinguished by extreme mobility and thickened ear cartilage.

Step 5
The tips of the ears are pointed and have tassels. The brushes continue on the back of the auricle. The inner side of the auricle is pubescent.

Step 6
The chin of the breed is straight, in line with the nose and upper lip. The neck of the animal is medium-long, with strong muscles.
Step 7
Maine Coon's body has a rectangular shape, endowed with developed muscles. The legs are of medium length, set well apart.
Step 8
The feet of the animal are large and rounded, densely covered with wool. There are tufts of wool even between the toes, which allows you to move freely in the snow.
Step 9
The ribcage is broad and powerful. The tail tapers from base to tip, abundantly pubescent. The length of the tail is equal to the length of the body. In the wild, such a long and fluffy tail helps the animal stay warm while sleeping.
Step 10
The length of the coat is uneven, the hair is shorter in the shoulder girdle and longer in the abdomen. Around the neck, the wool forms a sort of collar. The average hair length is 10-15 cm.
Step 11
The coat is quite close to the body, there is a moderate undercoat. The coat is waterproof, which helps cats in the wild withstand the summer rains of North America. The hairs are slightly wavy to trap warm air in the undercoat.
Step 12
A wide variety of Maine Coon colors are allowed. The traditional colors are black marble and black brindle.
Step 13
The weight of an adult male reaches 6-12 kg, an adult female - 4-9 kg. One of the characteristic features of the representatives of the Maine Coon breed is the slow development process. Finally, the animal is formed only by the age of 3-5 years.