Features Of The Content Of Egyptian Mao

Features Of The Content Of Egyptian Mao
Features Of The Content Of Egyptian Mao

Experts and simply lovers of cats describe the Egyptian Mao as loyal, playful, inquisitive hunters. With proper care and education, this pet will not give the owners a lot of trouble.

Features of the content of Egyptian mao
Features of the content of Egyptian mao

Care of hair and nails

Representatives of the breed have short hair, so combing the cat is enough once a week. This will prevent hair from growing all over the house. If desired, the procedure can be repeated at least every day, cats like it. It's important to choose the right brush that won't damage your pet's skin. The best option may be a silicone brush, which also has massage properties.

Once a week, the Egyptian mao needs to have her claws cut. In the wild, the breed often climbs trees. At home, they are deprived of such luxury, so their claws grow back rather quickly. It is important to cut the claw 2-3 mm from the edge, this will not damage the sensitive part and will bring relief to the cat. It is worth paying attention to the suppression of the cat's attempts to sharpen the updated claws on the furniture. The pet will quickly understand that this cannot be done and will stop spoiling the surrounding objects.

Caring for the ears and health of the cat

Not the most favorite procedure for cats - washing their ears. But this has to be done at least once a month. Egyptian mao are quite patient with the actions of the owner when carrying out hygienic procedures, but even they will start to break out while cleaning the ears. You can grab the cat by the scruff of the neck, this will help fix the head in the desired position. After that, you need to open the ear and thoroughly clean it with cotton swabs dipped in baby cream.

Check your cat's ears regularly for ticks. Changes in the behavior of the usually cheerful and affectionate pet are a signal of the development of the disease. When a cat's body is affected by ticks, the animal becomes apathetic, loses its appetite and interest in games. The best option in this case is a visit to the veterinarian. Don't try to fix the problem yourself.

Organization of correct leisure time

The peculiarities of the behavior of the Egyptian mao include a love for water and water procedures. They love to play with a stream of water, soak their paws in it and drink directly from the tap.

Another feature of cats is their love of height. The Egyptian mao can sit for hours on a hill and "hunt down prey." Representatives of the breed are quite active and like to spend time in active games with their owners. Most of all they like various types of hunting.

Don't hide their favorite toys. Mao will not leave anyone alone until he gets the thing he wants back.

Egyptian Mao are loyal friends and respectable neighbors. With proper care and attention, they will bring a lot of joy into the lives of their owners.
