Experienced dog owners, of course, understand their pets well, but those who are just going to make such a friend for themselves should know their language. Their peculiar language is behavior and posture. The owner for each dog remains a member of her pack, and she will communicate with him in the same way. You need to understand her signals and, if necessary, demonstrate your highest position on the hierarchical ladder in order for the relationship between you to be harmonious.

Step 1
The dog can demonstrate its feelings with a voice - joyful barking, plaintive whining, threatening growl, but it can demonstrate its feelings even more clearly with its body. Each posture, position of the ears and tail carry a very specific meaning. In this way, the dog can express the widest range of his feelings - from unconditional obedience to aggression and the desire to join the fight for dominance in the pack.
Step 2
If the dog has raised his ears, then this means the absence of threat and attention, back-pinned ears mean fear or concern. Anxiety is indicated by ears tilted forward. A straight tail, directed horizontally, signals anxiety, lowered down - about insecurity, drawn to the belly - about fear and submission, and raised up - about self-confidence. There is no need to explain how a dog wagging its tail feels for you.
Step 3
If the dog turns over on its back, exposing its stomach, then by this it shows you complete obedience and unconditional trust. Having crouched on its front paws, the dog demonstrates aggression and a desire to attack, it often uses this technique in games, inviting them to arrange a fun fuss. Genuine aggression is indicated by the fact that the dog's body is tense and the hair on the withers stands on end. This pose, as a rule, is complemented by the grin of the fangs.
Step 4
You should not be afraid when the dog, as it were, "grabs" your palm with his teeth, this is not a desire to bite, but a kind of game with someone who inspires confidence. Such a game may even be accompanied by growls, but this is not a threat at all, but a desire to provoke you too, in order to knead the bones.
Step 5
Study the behavior of your pet, be able to recognize a stressful or painful condition in time and come to the rescue. Pay attention to her, the dog needs to constantly feel like a full member of the pack, which is constantly taken care of by its wise owner.