How To Choose The Right Dog For Yourself And As A Gift

How To Choose The Right Dog For Yourself And As A Gift
How To Choose The Right Dog For Yourself And As A Gift

Some people make the decision to get a dog under the influence of circumstances, for example, when a child has brought a defenseless puppy from the street, or friends have offered to accept an adorable pet as a gift. For others, this desire comes from childhood - they want to catch up if their parents did not allow them to keep animals in the house. To make life with a new friend fun and comfortable, it is important to choose the right puppy, as well as to assess in advance whether you can devote enough time to him and whether the conditions in which you are going to keep him are suitable for him.

Labrador puppy
Labrador puppy

What is a dog for?

To choose the right puppy and later not regret your decision, first of all, you need to sincerely answer the question: "Why do I need a dog?" Depending on the breed, dogs can act as guards, watchmen, hunters, companions, or just loyal friends. Perhaps you have dreamed all your life of outdoor walks with a Siberian husky, or evening on the couch with a miniature toy terrier at your side, or maybe you want to spend time royally with a Welsh Corgi? Some owners are crazy about long-haired breeds with which you can experiment with hairstyles and buy funny accessories for them, others prefer short-haired animals for which you do not have to vacuum every day.

Before adopting a dog, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Make sure that your family members are supportive of this venture and that the psychological climate in the house is calm enough. Read articles on the care and maintenance of dogs, evaluate your strength.

If the decision to take a puppy is made, and it is unshakable, you need to decide why you need the dog, and, accordingly, what breed, gender and category of pets to consider.

  • Pet. Translated from English pet means "pet". From the name it follows that this category includes simple dogs "for the house". They cannot participate in shows and are not suitable for breeding due to any deviation from the breed standard. Such animals are castrated or spayed so that the marriage is not passed on to offspring. But non-standard does not mean bad, a pet category puppy can grow up to be a beautiful smart dog and become your loyal friend. Pet-class puppies are cheaper than others.
  • Breed. Breed translates to "breed". The breed class dogs have a good pedigree, they correspond to the breed standard, but with minor features. They participate in exhibitions where they do not claim to win. Their main task is to give offspring, in which genes of outstanding ancestors can appear. Breed puppies are significantly more expensive than pet puppies.
  • Show. The word show does not need translation. Show class puppies are the best of the best. Experts know such pets by name, and at exhibitions they have no equal. Often you have to book a champion puppy even before it is born. Show class is the most expensive category of dogs.

Next comes your choice of which of these groups of dogs you want to buy or adopt.

Every year there are more and more dog breeds. At the moment, their number exceeds 500, ranging from the classic German Shepherds, Cocker Spaniels or Pekingese, to the so far exotic Labradoodles, Chauski or Pomski for us. Fortunately, you don't have to study all of them in order to choose the right puppy. Usually, each person likes only a few breeds of dogs, from which he chooses the most suitable for him.

The breed not only determines the appearance of the pet, but also affects its character, as well as how it will be necessary to spend time with the dog, how much its maintenance will cost. Grooming, playing and raising a pet should not be a heavy burden on the owner, on the contrary, a dog in the house is an inexhaustible source of love and fun!

For life in an urban environment, calm, friendly, non-aggressive small and medium-sized pets are suitable. A dog living in an apartment should not be hyperactive, otherwise it will begin to destroy the home. Also, the absence of a thick undercoat is desirable, due to which the shedding will be very abundant. Pay attention to "drooling" - rocks with abundant salivation stain walls and furniture. It is important that the dog is friendly to others, adapts to the rhythm of the owner's life and can make a worthy company on a walk in the park.

Popular breeds suitable for an apartment: Welsh Corgi, Pug, Yorkshire Terrier, Golden Retriever, Poodle, Maltese, Affenpinscher, Labrador, Spitz, Basenji, Chihuahua, Toy Terrier.

When choosing a dog for a private house, you need to decide in advance whether your pet will spend most of the time in the house and periodically go out to the site, or he should live in an aviary and protect the territory. In the first case, the same pets are suitable as for apartments, as well as their more active relatives, such as the Airedale or Beagle. Life in the aviary will be comfortable for large guard dogs, service and herding dogs: Moscow guard dog, German shepherd dog, Bloodhound, Alabai, border collie, Doberman, Caucasian shepherd dog.

If you want a real good-natured person to live with you, who would only warn with menacing barking about danger and frighten uninvited guests with his size, pay attention to the Bernese Mountain Dog, Newfoundland and St. Bernard.

Hunting dog breeds, driving the "apartment" residents crazy, feel good outside the city and will be indispensable on forays in the woods. Hunting dogs are quite independent, they can run far from the owner in search of prey. Dachshunds, Greyhounds, Russian Greyhounds and Jack Russell Terriers, without sufficient walks, will search for prey, digging up the beds.

It is also worth taking a closer look at the group of northern sled dogs. Huskies, Malamutes and Samoyed dogs have charming looks, amazing kindness and will be a company in any sports entertainment.


If you devote a significant part of your time to work, but still dream of a dog, take a look at independent and relatively unpretentious breeds. Such pets will not suffer, being left alone for a while, they will not have to take care of them for a long time "with the last bit of strength."

Chow Chows, reminiscent of teddy bears, are very patient and self-sufficient. Alaskan Malamutes, Shar Pei and Greyhounds will also find their place in the workaholic's schedule.

The cardinal solution to the problem of dog loneliness is to have two pets. If they are of different breeds, the more interesting. For example, Labrador Retrievers have been observed to get along well with Papillons. By the way, both breeds are in the top 10 smartest dogs in the world.

Dogs are naturally child-loving, with some breeds showing a special awe and friendliness. Boxers and Beagles will play and tinker with the little ones all day. Border Collies, Huskies and Samoyeds will become real nannies. And in the company of good-natured Labradors and St. Bernards, children will always be protected.

Families with toddlers should avoid miniature breeds as the baby can accidentally injure the animal. On the other hand, giant dogs like Tibetan Mastiffs can accidentally push a baby.

After choosing a dog breed, future owners think about what gender it is better to take a puppy. In this matter, we recommend focusing on personal sympathies, however, males and bitches have differences in appearance and behavior that are worth keeping in mind.

Pros and cons of males:

  • For participation in sports competitions, males are more suitable;
  • More powerful and larger than females;
  • Lazier in training matters;
  • Males have a stronger sex drive. It will be necessary to compensate for his needs with the help of prolonged physical activity;
  • During the walk, the male is active, striving for his fellow tribesmen. If a bitch in heat is near, you will have to keep him tightly on a leash.

Pros and cons of females:

  • More domestic and affectionate, more attached to the owner;
  • Less aggressive and pugnacious;
  • Slimmer and smaller;
  • More obedient and easier to train;
  • Bitches are in heat 2 times a year. They become nervous, disobedient, and the risk of infections increases. During these periods, the dog must be protected from males and monitored especially carefully, because it may try to escape.

So, if you've already decided which breed and gender puppy is right for you, it's time to look for a reliable breeder. In the matter of buying a dog, there is no need to rush. The animal will live with you for about 15 years, which is why it is so important to choose the right puppy. Refrain from buying spontaneously in the poultry market or through free message boards on the Internet. At a minimum, the puppy may not meet the breed standard when it grows up, and at the maximum, there is a risk of buying a sick animal, which will have to be treated for a long time, expensive and unsuccessfully.

The best place to buy a puppy is at a specialized kennel. You can choose a pet together with a dog breeder who knows the topic or on your own, following the call of your heart. As a rule, nurseries have their own websites, you can find customer reviews about them

Life hack:

It's time to go to the nursery for your future pet. Please note that puppies should be kept in a clean, odor-free environment. Often, the breeder begins to show all his diplomas and lists the show titles of the puppy's parents. Listen to this information, but stay alert. In addition to the potential champion regalia, it is very important what character the dog will have.

If there is an opportunity to meet the puppy's parents, do not miss it. Thus, it will be possible to assess their behavior personally. If you can't arrange a meeting, ask the breeder if they were aggressive, pugnacious, or cowardly. These qualities are inherited, as well as the desire to howl, tear furniture and bark for no reason. Look at pictures of the puppy's grandparents, if available.

You should immediately refuse to buy a sick puppy. However, many diseases are not obvious, or may appear only in the future. Try to "talk" the breeder, he may accidentally mention points that may indirectly indicate the puppy's illness:

  • The test for hip dysplasia in giant breed breeders is mandatory, its absence is suspicious;
  • If the puppy does not eat well, he may have gastrointestinal or liver diseases;
  • Dogs with allergies often have puppies with the same problem;
  • If an animal is terrified of fireworks, thunderstorms and other loud sounds, then its nervous system is unstable. Hysterical parents are unlikely to have a brave and balanced puppy;
  • Dogs escaping during walks are unwanted offspring;
  • In pursuit of profit, unscrupulous breeders may breed dogs with epilepsy, which will not be noticed until there is an attack.

A healthy puppy will be active and friendly. If you kneel down and call him, he will come to you. The kid will show curiosity about new people and toys. He should look happy, frolic with his brothers and sisters. In the hands of the breeder, the puppy is calm, allows himself to be stroked, including normally perceives touching the paws and muzzle. Refuse to buy cowardly and intimidated pets, as well as aggressive and dominant individuals. With age, the character of the dog will not change significantly.

Top 10 external signs of a healthy puppy:

  • Clear, lively look;
  • There is no pus or other discharge in the eyes;
  • Wet and shiny nose;
  • Correct bite, the number of teeth meets the standard;
  • The ears are pink and clean;
  • There are no sores, acne and, moreover, no parasites on the skin;
  • Shiny, silky coat;
  • Tail without strong kinks or docked;
  • Lymph nodes are not enlarged;
  • Not a bloated tummy.

A big plus in favor of the breeder will be his consent to conclude a written contract for the purchase and sale of the puppy. In case of revealing significant defects prescribed in the contract, the animal can be returned. In addition, the very existence of "insurance" will discourage the seller from the desire to slip a problem pet.

Russian dog breeders are advised to pick up the puppy at 8-10 weeks of age. By this time, the baby already has a basic upbringing, is accustomed to the toilet, he has been vaccinated.


A decent breeder will never give away a puppy that is less than 6 weeks old. If a buyer has a history of keeping dogs, they can count on a 6-7 week old baby. This option is not suitable for beginners.

The age at which it is best to pick up a puppy is influenced by the breed. Thus, large and giant dogs develop more slowly than medium and small ones. Big dogs are bought only at 3 months. It is important to feed such pets correctly and monitor their weight in order to avoid sudden jumps that promise problems with the musculoskeletal system.

If you want to buy a breed or show class puppy, pick him up even later. It is possible to fully assess compliance with the breed standard and champion inclinations not earlier than 6-9 months of age. Despite the desire to pick up the baby as soon as possible, please be patient!

For your information:

First of all, find a brand on the ear or groin of the baby and ask the breeder to show the puppy's card (metric). The stamp code and the code in the metric must be the same.

The metric is the primary document of the puppy, which is drawn up when the baby turns 45 days old. A dog handler comes to the kennel, examines all the babies from the litter and fixes the defects. Subsequently, the owner of a dog aged 6-15 months can exchange the metric for a pedigree, which will give the pet the right to participate in breeding.

On a note:

It is desirable that the puppy has a veterinary passport with marks about deworming and vaccinations. If there is no veterinary passport, you can make it yourself.

After checking the documents, you can proceed to the questions. Don't be afraid to look stupid, ask whatever you care about. Take the contacts of the breeder - surely after a while you will have additional questions.

Don't forget to ask:

  • How many puppies were there in the litter (optimal number - from 3 to 7)?
  • Was the litter scheduled?
  • What vaccinations are to be done and when?
  • What food does the puppy eat? When and how to transfer to a new one?
  • When will it be possible to walk and in what mode?
  • How to take care of your pet?
  • What commands does the puppy know?
  • Will the breeder advise a veterinarian and provide further support?

If the received answers satisfy you, and the puppy does not want to part any more - congratulations, you have found your little miracle!

Puppies don't always end up in the house straight from the caring hands of breeders. Sometimes people are ready to rescue a dog by taking it from the street or from a shelter. In this case, first of all, show your pet to the veterinarian in order to immediately find out about possible diseases.

Choosing a dog of the "noble" breed, it is important to understand that such animals have a more independent character than their pedigree relatives. Dogs living on the street adapt to vagrancy, they have highly developed instincts. The puppy can be cowardly or, conversely, show aggression. Poor learning ability and frequent shoots can be negative additions.

On the other hand, among the mongrels there are also very sensitive, intelligent and affectionate dogs. They seem to thank the owner every day for their kindness. Do not forget that mongrel dogs are the descendants of those pets that their owners once left on the street.

The correct choice of a puppy for each person will be different. Assess your material and mental capabilities, and then do not be afraid to take a step towards responsibility - the dog will become your true friend and will give you many happy moments!

I hope I helped you with choosing a puppy. Enjoy your new friend!
