Dry food is the simplest, yet balanced type of diet. But for various reasons, not all cats eat it. In this situation, do not despair and switch to natural food, which takes a lot of time and effort. First, you need to find out the reason for this behavior and try to solve it.

The reasons
If your pet does not eat dry food, you should pay attention to its condition. A partial refusal to eat while remaining vigorous and energetic can be temporary. But if the cat is lethargic, apathetic, and the portions remain intact, the owner should be alert and show the pet to the veterinarian. Decreased appetite is one of the symptoms of many diseases. The main reasons for refusing dry food include:
1. Problems with smell

Cats have highly developed olfactory receptors; when choosing food, they are repelled by its smell. If they have problems with the sense of smell, animals may refuse even their favorite treats if they do not smell its aroma.
2. Hot weather

Just like humans, animals lose their appetite at high temperatures. If the cat drinks a lot of water, moves a little, it remains to wait for the temperature to drop.
3. Heat

During this period, all instincts are aimed at procreation, other needs are ignored for some time.
4. Illness

Serious pathologies are characterized not just by a partial lack of appetite, but by a complete refusal to eat. Also, the cat may experience fever, vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, and other symptoms.
5. Stress

Repair, moving, the appearance of a new family member - all this can lead to a deterioration in appetite.
6. Switching from natural to dry diet

The transition from a natural food to a dry diet takes time. The unusual smell, taste and consistency of the granules sometimes scare the cat.
7. Transition from economy class feed to premium

Low-cost brand products often contain various chemical additives: flavor enhancers, flavors, and expensive ones - exclusively natural ingredients. It is difficult for a pet accustomed to chemical additives to switch to a new diet.
8. Monotonous menu

Even the most patient pet will get tired of eating monotonous dry granules.
9. Dirty bowl

Cats are very clean animals, they will not eat from dirty dishes or next to their toilet. The material from which the food bowl is made plays an important role. Low-quality cheap plastic quickly absorbs odors, so its contents become unpleasant for the cat.

After determining the reason for refusing dry food, you need to try to eliminate it. If the cat does not eat due to illness, you should not force it. Appetite will return after recovery.

Help depends on the reason:
• loss of smell - a cold will pass on its own after a while, but if the sense of smell has disappeared due to old age, then it is recommended to switch to a natural diet, because products have more pronounced odors; • heat or heat - both problems go away without the intervention of the owner, he only needs to make sure that the pet drinks water in the required amount; • stress - the cat needs to equip its own, where it can hide from irritating factors; • transition to a different feed - it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules, the pet will sooner or later get used to the new diet; • monotonous menu - the diet can be diversified with wet canned food or other brands of food; • dirty bowl - every day all cat dishes must be doused with boiling water, this will prevent microbes from developing and eliminate unpleasant odors. Adult cats can refuse food for 2-3 days, kittens - for a day. Short-term fasting does not do them much harm. But still, do not starve the animal. If your pet doesn't like dry food, you can try other options.
Switching to a new feed

When changing the diet, patience will be required, the transition should be gradual, over 2 weeks. During this period, you do not need to scold the animal for poor appetite or indulge it. When switching from natural food to industrial feed, the stool is often disturbed in animals, over time the work of the digestive tract will be restored. In the first 5 days, the granules can be soaked with water so that the unknown consistency does not frighten the pet.
If the cat refuses dry food, you need to understand the reason. This is mainly due to mistakes made in the maintenance and care. Any of them can be eliminated.