Burmilla: Features Of Cats Of This Breed

Burmilla: Features Of Cats Of This Breed
Burmilla: Features Of Cats Of This Breed

Burmilla is a cat breed with a unique and interesting appearance. Cats of the breed are divided into short-haired and long-haired. They are expensive due to the difficulty of breeding.

Burmilla: features of cats of this breed
Burmilla: features of cats of this breed


The Baroness of Great Britain had two cats belonging to different species, and in 1980 the offspring turned out to be mixed, but the owner did not reject him. She decided to breed a new breed, which was named "Burmilla" from the addition of the two words "Burmese" and "chinchilla". The European Cat Association recognized this species in 1994. The breed is a cross between lilac Burmese and Persian chinchilla.

Breed standard

Size and weight. Burmilla is a small cat, weighing from 4-5 kg, sometimes males up to 7 kg are found.

Head. It is elongated wedge-shaped. The head of the cat is not wide, the muzzle is rounded. The Burmilla's cheeks are full, have a slightly sagging appearance. The ears are large, wide at the base and tapered at the tips. The nose is wide, with a pronounced bend at its base. Eyes are especially attractive in the breed. They are large, rounded, almond-shaped, in appearance they seem to be surrounded by a dark, almost black rim, which makes them more expressive and in some representatives of the breed they seem slanting. Eye color is rich and is represented by shades of green and yellow.

Body. It is fragile and small, but at the same time muscular and strong.

Paws and legs. The forelegs are slender and slightly shorter than the hind legs. Paws are small, oval.

Tail. It is medium and slightly tapered towards the tip.

Color. He distinguishes this breed from others. In Burmilla, the guard hair is slightly darker than the undercoat. The main colors are recognized: red, blue, chocolate lilac, sable, shaded, smoky, brindle. The color of the undercoat is either silvery or golden.


Calm, affectionate, patient, kind, attentive, faithful - these are the epithets that can be awarded to this breed of cats. Its representatives become attached to people and love to sit on their knees, get along with cats and dogs. This breed does not tolerate loneliness. She loves to play with various objects, to communicate.


This breed has quite good health, the only disease inherent in these creatures is polycystic, namely renal failure.


The care is standard. The coat must be brushed regularly, at least once a week. For grooming it is recommended to use brushes with natural bristles or specialized combs for cats. The ears and eyes also require care, which consists in wiping with a soft cloth soaked in water.
