What Are The Advantages Of Maine Coons

What Are The Advantages Of Maine Coons
What Are The Advantages Of Maine Coons

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The Maine Coon is a cat breed that has many virtues. The positive aspects of this interesting breed can be divided into two components - appearance and character.

What are the advantages of Maine Coons
What are the advantages of Maine Coons


The cat breed, called the Maine Coon, originated from cats that lived in Maine, where the farmland was located. The name of this breed is translated as "Manx raccoon". The fact is that cats are very similar in size and color to these cute animals. Today they are the largest domestic cat breed.

Maine Coons have many virtues, which are primarily reflected in their appearance. The maine Coon's calling card is a muscular body. It has a wide chest and a rectangular shape. In addition, these animals have a powerful neck of medium length and a large head.

In addition to being similar to raccoons, Maine Coons resemble lynxes. They have the same large and wide-set ears, on the tips of which there are characteristic tassels. These cats have very beautiful eyes - green, golden or amber and slightly slanted.

Maine Coons have very strong legs, although they are not long. At their ends, you can see cute round pads, and hair tufts between the fingers. And what a tail these cats have! It is not only very long, but it also flows with wool, has a downy and a conical shape.

And, of course, Maine Coons are loved for their beautiful coat. The length of the coat cannot be called uniform, since the coat on the shoulders and head is short, and in other places it is longer. Their undercoat is soft and thin, and also covered with dense and coarse hair.

As you can see, Maine Coons are very beautiful cats, it is impossible not to love them! However, their merits are not limited only by external signs, because this breed of cats has a wonderful character.


The main advantage of Maine Coons is their docile, peaceful character. By their behavior, these cats are extremely playful, so they can be called kittens throughout their lives. In addition, they are very affectionate with small children, so parents are not afraid to leave their babies alone with Maine Coons.

Maine Coons are hardy and active cats. However, shyness and delicacy are inherent in them. Such a pet is easy to care for. Each Maine Coon has its own pleasant, chirping voice. These cats love to perform various tricks, so they can always please their owners.

Keeping this breed of cats is not difficult, especially if you take into account its advantages such as endurance, good adaptation, and even temper. Mine Coons are also good at catching mice. It is a real pleasure to have such a cat!
