Bengal cats were bred by crossing the American Shorthair breed and the Miniature Leopard. Bengals began to be bred in 1963, and they were officially registered in the felinological community TICA only two decades later.

Outwardly, Bengal cats are similar to leopards - with the same color, leopard grace, powerful body and wild eyes. Bengal males weigh up to 7 kg, females - 5 kg. The paws of these animals are powerful, the body is muscular and perfectly adapted for hunting, so that the cat can gain speed as quickly as possible, as well as climbing trees. The tail of the Bengals is thick, the head is elongated, and there are dark rims on the nose. The ears are medium in size, have a wide base, the tips are slightly rounded.
Wool and color
Bengal cats have short hair and an undercoat. In kittens of this breed, a natural color appears by the year, and before that, their wool is decorated with color spots with indistinguishable contours. The Bengals got this camouflage feature from their wild ancestors. The color of cats of this breed is individual, it is represented by brown or black points on a yellow or light brown background. There are also spots of silvery color on a light background, light spots outlined with a dark outline, as well as spots of any color on a white background.
Representatives of the Bengal breed are self-confident, proud, a little secretive animals. They are independent, do not like to obey, respect one master. It is necessary to bring up such animals patiently, showing goodwill. If the family has small children, it is better not to buy a Bengal - even if it is a domesticated cat, but a wild animal lives in it.