You don't have to be a trainer or study zoology to understand that dogs and cats can talk and people perceive this language in the form of familiar sounds. Observations of the behavior of animals help to distribute these sounds to species and it can be argued that each sound will have its own distinctive demeanor.

In dogs, these sounds can be classified into four types:
1. Howl

Observations show that dogs howl when lonely and sad. The dog howls if it is alone at home. Thus, she makes it clear that she expects either the owner or the one who will keep her company. She will immediately stop howling if someone is around. When hungry, the dog also howls. It is interesting that the sounds of music plunge the dog into a state of melancholy. It doesn't matter what kind of music is played, funny or sad. In this case, the tail is usually drawn in.
2. Screeching

Squealing dogs express completely different feelings. He is an expression of fear, pain. At the sight of fighting dogs, the one that emits a squeal is sure to lose.
3. Growling

A snarl is often matched by a grin in the mouth. The dog "bristled" as they say. In other words, growling is always a threat and readiness to attack.
4. Bark

A dog barks when it senses something suspicious. If her relatives live next door to her, you can be sure that they will not keep themselves waiting long. Very soon, the barking will be picked up by the rest. On the one hand, this behavior makes a person want to silence the dog in any way, on the other hand, barking more than once rescued people from robbers and other troubles. It is possible that this feature has been preserved since antiquity, when dogs led a gregarious lifestyle. Barking has another meaning. It is a manifestation of the joy of playing. Everybody saw when puppies, playing, bite each other. These games are always accompanied by barking. The dog barks happily and wags its tail wildly when the owner or his family members return home.
What about cats?

Cats have a very similar situation with the sounds they make. Of course, the main thing that cats can and dogs cannot do is purr. A purr indicates that the cat is pleased with herself and she feels good. It is especially interesting to listen to the mother cat when she is busy with kittens. The purr takes on a completely pacifying character. Today, it is believed that purring is the result of rhythmic vibrations in the cat's larynx.

Meows are complaints, requests for help. Also, meowing can be regarded as a demand for something. The cat can sit by its food tray and meow. Thus, she makes it clear that it is time to feed.

When in danger, the cat hisses. At the same time, her body takes the shape of an arc, the hair stands on end, the tail is fluffed up. Better not to get close. The cat will surely attack, regardless of the size of the object, which had the imprudence to bring it into such a state.

All these sounds that dogs and cats make are most likely just a small part of understanding the complex structure of their body. After all, people are not given to understand the features of their hearing, smell, vision, which are much better quality. But, at least, it is known for sure that if a dog barks happily and wags its tail, and a purring cat rubs against its legs, this is a manifestation of love for a person and he must respond in kind.