Tonkin Cat: Breed Features

Tonkin Cat: Breed Features
Tonkin Cat: Breed Features

Tonkin cat is a hybrid of Burmese and Siamese cats. Its second name is "Siamese golden". The ancestors of this cat come from Southeast Asia: Europeans once called the northern regions of Vietnam by Tonkin.

Tonkin cat: breed features
Tonkin cat: breed features

The appearance of the Tonkin cat

The first to become interested in this breed were Canadian specialists, who in the middle of the 20th century did a lot of work on breeding tonkinesis. However, breed standards were only approved in 1984. They were first approved by American breeders and then British ones.

The genes of Burmese ancestors determine the shape of the body of this cat, but she inherited grace from the Siamese. The Tonkin cat is relatively small and muscular. She has a slightly arched back and a developed chest. The neck of this animal is very graceful, and the loin is quite wide. The legs of Tonkin cats are slender, with pronounced muscles, and the hind legs are longer in relation to the front ones. The toes are short and neat. The long elastic tail is somewhat narrowed towards the end.

Tonkinesis are distinguished by thick, smooth and soft hair of a golden hue. It can be either very short or medium in length, but it must be firmly attached to the skin. Its special subtlety and healthy shine give the cat's appearance an exceptional nobility. Kittens have light coat, but with age it gradually darkens. Currently, the breed standard provides for 12 varieties of color. An interesting feature of the breed is that the color of the animal can change depending on the climate. The colder it is outside, the darker the coat of the Tonkin cat becomes.

The Tonkinesis skull is more angular than that of the Siamese ancestor, but not as pointed. The chin is pronounced, the cheeks are round. The ears are medium in size, slightly rounded, set wide apart. The eyes are not too large, set at an angle. Their hue can vary from bright blue to slightly greenish. Unusual eyes that change color depending on the lighting are a kind of "calling card" of the breed.

The personality of the Tonkin cat

Tonkin cats are distinguished by their peacefulness and sociability; they are especially affectionate with children. Tonkinesis inherited the most attractive features from their extraordinary ancestors. Curiosity is characteristic of them, and their keen minds have long been noted by breeders. These graceful animals often accompany their owners during walks, as they do not like loneliness, and the leash does not bother them at all.

Another advantage of tonkinesis is their strong immunity and, as a result, longevity. Caring for these animals is quite simple, the only thing that Tonkin cats urgently need is the love of their owners.
