The character of a cat is formed not only from her upbringing, but also from the features laid down by the breed. Therefore, when choosing a pet, you should focus not only on its appearance, but also on the characteristic features of behavior inherent in a particular breed.

Step 1
Choosing a kitten according to the color you like and the length of its coat, you can make a big mistake, if you do not take into account the fact that the breed leaves an imprint on the character of a pet. It is possible that the family's expectations regarding the cat will not be justified, and the increased requirements for it will complicate the socialization of the animal. In order to avoid such situations, it is important to consider the most characteristic traits of behavior inherent in certain breeds.
Step 2
Sphynxes (Canadian, Don) are traditionally considered the most peaceful and non-aggressive cats. For this reason, exotics easily take root in a family with small children: cats willingly play with a child, without releasing their claws, do not bite or hiss. But it is important to remember that sphinxes do not tolerate loneliness well, they need the constant presence of the owner, his caresses and conversations. Cats of this breed are distinguished by their intelligence, almost a dog's devotion to humans, and are easy to train.
Step 3
Majestic shaggy Persians most often have a rather phlegmatic character, imposing, silent and imperturbable. Persian cats do not like noise and fuss, try to avoid children, and do not tolerate intrusion into their quiet solitude. But at the same time they are very fond of the company of a person who will carefully look after their luxurious fur.
Step 4
The character of the Siberian cat is characterized by independence and love for freedom of movement. Siberian cats have a well-developed hunting instinct, animals lend themselves to training, they can get along with dogs in the same room, but they don't really like to sit on a person's arms. Cats of this breed are smart, playful, prefer leadership in the pack, rarely bother their owners with meows.
Step 5
Siamese cats have a rather contradictory character - on the one hand, they are strongly attached to the owner and every minute wait for his affection and attention, on the other hand, Siamese can become completely uncontrollable and aggressive if they stop paying attention to the extent that this breed requires. Representatives of this breed are mobile, very fond of active games, have a hunting instinct. Of the shortcomings - the Siamese are incredibly vindictive and do not forgive a person insults and bad attitude towards themselves.
Step 6
British breed - aristocrats in the world of cats. Intelligent, with innate good manners and self-sufficient, these cats can easily tolerate a long absence of the owner. The British treat children and other animals with imperturbable patience, they are devoted to the owner to the point of self-forgetfulness, and they gratefully accept his care and attention. Play activity in this breed is rather moderate, mainly in childhood - kittens are distinguished by extreme restlessness, and they have the ability to play alone for a long time with some object.