How To Choose A Smooth-haired Cat

How To Choose A Smooth-haired Cat
How To Choose A Smooth-haired Cat

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The development of the character and behavior of cats to a large extent depends on the upbringing that the owner can give. If he treats the pet with care and affection, then the kitten almost always grows up calm, gentle and balanced.

How to choose a smooth-haired cat
How to choose a smooth-haired cat

It is necessary

Smooth-haired kittens of friends or acquaintances


Step 1

The smooth-haired cat is a direct descendant of the ancestor of modern pedigree cats - the Nubian cat. This type is very common and is characterized by a mild calm temperament, some laziness (they like to lie down and sleep), which often leads to obesity. By constitution, these cats are lighter and more graceful than wire-haired relatives.

Step 2

Smooth-haired cats are more silent, and hardly any of the owners of a smooth-haired pet will remember whether he was ever awakened by the midnight cry of his pet. The exterior is distinguished by a relatively large head, a slightly elongated muzzle. The base of the ears is wide, the contours are rounded. The eyes are large and round. The coat is dense, smooth. The tail is long. A short tail is considered a flaw. Females are usually multicolored. The color of the males is stricter, more monotonous.

Step 3

Before choosing a smooth-haired cat, decide whether you need a purebred animal or a purebred one. Usually, owners make their choice of a cat's appearance based on their personal opinion of aesthetic beauty. Please note that it may not be in line with exterior regulations.

Step 4

At the same time, it should be noted that there will be much less worries about caring for a smooth-haired cat. So, perhaps, you will be faced with a difficult choice of what to prefer - the cute length of the pet's tail or its unpretentiousness and unpretentiousness. Smooth-haired cats have less hair around the house, they tolerate heat and cold more easily and stay indoors for a long time.

Step 5

If you have decided on the breed and exterior, then it's time to move on to choosing a place of purchase. In this regard, kennels and club breeders are definitely beyond competition. The times of hassle-free purchase of kittens in the poultry markets, unfortunately, are long gone. The risk of acquiring a sick or parasitized animal is too great. Therefore, it is better to contact legal organizations that have permission to breed cats.

Step 6

Be sure to conclude a sales contract with the seller. Use your right to independently examine the purchased animal within 3-5 days and return it in case of infections. Ask for a veterinary passport, which must be marked for vaccination and antiparasitic injection. "In the attachment" to the kitten, the seller is obliged to give you a "kitty", i.e. kitten card, which lists his parents, his date of birth, etc. general information. In the future, you can exchange the "kitty" for a pedigree.
