What Is The Largest Cat In The World

What Is The Largest Cat In The World
What Is The Largest Cat In The World

Cats have long been a part of the lives of many people. They can be big and small, beautiful and not so. But the largest representatives of cats amaze with their grace and elegance. What is the largest cat in the world?

What is the largest cat in the world
What is the largest cat in the world

To answer the question about the largest cat in the world, it is necessary to single out the largest breeds of these domestic animals. Among them are the Siberian cat, British shorthair, Ragdoll, Maine Coon and Savannah. All these breeds are distinguished by their large size and quiet calm disposition towards humans.

In Russia, the largest breed is the Siberian cat. It can weigh up to 10 kg. The Siberian cat prefers to spend a lot of time outdoors, therefore it is more suitable for living in the countryside.


The friendliest of all the big cats are the Ragdolls. They have a delightful color and allow even small children to play with them. Ragdolls can also weigh up to 10 kg.


The Maine Coon and Savannah breeds are real giants among domestic cats. Maine Coon is also called a raccoon cat for their similar color features. Males of this breed grow up to 40 cm in height and weigh 15-16 kg.

But the largest breed of domestic cats is the Savannah. It was obtained by crossing an ordinary cat and a serval. Their weight can be up to 20 kg. They are very mobile, but at the same time calm animals.

If you turn to the Guinness Book of Records, then you can find the largest cat in the world. Such a cat is a representative of the Maine Coon breed from the American state of Nevada, whose length reaches 123 centimeters.


Of course, there are probably larger specimens of domestic cats in the world, only their owners do not want to advertise this information. Therefore, this cat is officially the largest on our planet.

By the way, if you want to have a pet, but some family members have an allergy to wool, then for such a case, scientists have developed a hypoallergenic breed of cats. Now you can get a beautiful cat without fear for the health of others, although it is quite expensive.
