Cat Breeds: Balinese

Cat Breeds: Balinese
Cat Breeds: Balinese

The Balinese cat, or Balinese, is a semi-long-haired variety of the Siamese cat breed bred in the United States. The first registered semi-longhaired kitten of a Siamese pair was born in the States in 1928. Siamese kittens were born periodically, but for some time their owners did not advertise this. However, this natural mutation attracted felinologists, who began to breed semi-long-haired Siamese among themselves. This breed received recognition only in 1963 - it was then called the Long-haired Siamese. It was registered as a Balinese breed in 1970.

Cat Breeds: Balinese
Cat Breeds: Balinese


The body of the Balinese is graceful, long, tubular, the profile is straight, the belly is tucked up. The paws are high and slender, the hind legs are slightly higher than the front ones, the muscles are quite developed. The hips in Balinese cats should not be wider than the shoulders. The tail is long, thin, and resembles a whip in shape. Kinks and knots are not allowed.

The head is wedge-shaped, of medium size, the ears are large, set wide apart, tapering towards the muzzle, continuing the line of the wedge of the head. The chin is strong, developed, of medium size, its lower point is in line with the tip of the animal's nose. The eyes of the Balinese are almond-shaped, oblique and set wide apart. The color is deep blue.

Wool and color

The coat of Balinese cats is of medium length, thin, close to the body, there is no undercoat. The coat gradually lengthens along the way from head to tail. Color - color-point (points are called areas that have a rich, bright color). The points are located on the ears, head, lower legs, tail, the rest of the body is light. The mask on the cat's head covers the muzzle completely touching, but not merging with the ears. The points on all parts of the balinese body should be evenly colored and have the same shade.


Balinese cats are social, sociable, curious, they cannot stand loneliness. They tend to become attached to the owner and take an active part in all household chores. They get along well with children and other pets, have a pleasant soft voice.


The fine silky coat of the Balinese breed requires almost no maintenance. They should be washed using a shampoo and conditioner for long-haired breeds, and dried with a soft dry towel. It is not recommended to use a hairdryer in order not to dry the coat.
