Wild Animals
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The Spaniel is a very beautiful, active and friendly dog. The breed belongs to hunting - spaniels are indispensable for catching upland and waterfowl and other game. But even if you do not plan to hunt, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of communicating with this dog
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Energetic and friendly to all family members, the Maltese lapdog cannot but bring joy to the owners. In addition, representatives of this breed are considered centenarians, since they live for 16-18 years. For a dog to grow up healthy, you need to surround it with care and attention
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The Maltese lapdog is a small dog with an amazing personality. She is affectionate, playful and always full of energy. This dog looks like a soft toy that everyone wants to touch. Meanwhile, she is very distrustful of strangers. Maltese lapdogs are very demanding to care for and need constant attention due to their long coat
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Cats are the most popular pets, these predatory creatures, descended from the forest cat, get along well with people. And people, in turn, try to make them even more beautiful, obedient or unusual, so new breeds appear, which less and less resemble an ordinary domestic cat
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Large cats evoke affection and a desire to stroke their fluffy side. Some representatives of any breed can grow large and well-fed, but there are a variety of cats that generally look larger than their counterparts. Farm cat Maine Coon is a large cat breed
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When choosing a cat, future owners often take into account its character, especially if the family has children. Scientists have compiled a small list, which included 5 breeds of the most affectionate and kind animals. Abyssinian cat She can be praised for hours:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Like humans, animals have their own individual character. Some are outgoing and cheerful, others are shy and fearful. The breed of animal plays a role in this. Cats, like people, have their own distinctive features, preferences, and unique character
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The appearance of a kitten in the house is the final stage, the result of a conscious and conscious choice, primarily of the breed of the future pet. If you approach the question of a pet differently, then the matter can end very badly. In the best case, the kitten will return to the family of the mother cat, and in the worst case, it will go outside
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Guinea pigs are sociable, friendly animals. They get used to the owner very much, and children with such a pet will definitely not get bored! Pigs are quiet, docile and very calm, if you don't let them get bored. Before you start such an animal, you need to pick up and equip it with a decent home in which it will feel good
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Summer is a hot and difficult time for your pets, especially for cats living in an apartment. They find it very difficult to cope with the heat, because they do not have natural sweat glands, like we do. And we just have to help our pet. To begin with, we must find a comfortable corner for the cat in the apartment
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Many people think that there is no need to wash a cat - it is already washed. Yes, a cat can wash itself - on its tongue there are millions of little suckers, and thanks to the rough structure of the tongue, washing also turns into combing. But it is imperative to wash the cat
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Over time, the owner of any pet begins to think that his dog, cat or hamster is incredibly smart, understands human speech and even try to answer something in his own way to his beloved owner. And how great it would be to learn the language of animals and be able to talk with your pet
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Smaller brothers play an important role in human life. They provide people with food and raw materials, help in the economy and in the treatment of diseases, protect against ill-wishers and are simply pleasing to the eye. Thanks to animals, human evolution took place
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
In fact, not only friends can tell about a person. The kind of pets he chooses also helps to understand the nature of the person of interest and even the model for building relationships with others. Almost all people fall into the two most common categories - cat lovers and dog lovers
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Most of the owners of cats are sure that their pet understands everything, just cannot say. In fact, she speaks, speaks constantly, but in her own language. If you learn to understand it and transmit certain signals on it, this will make communication with your darling deeper and more harmonious
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The amazing psychic abilities of the representatives of the fauna world still cannot be clearly clarified by any science, since it contradicts common sense. However, today it becomes clear this: among the four-legged "psychics", the leading positions are taken by cats
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Fastidiousness in food worries many cat owners. In order to cope with this problem, you need to be patient and not give in to the demand of your beloved pet urgently to give him his favorite food. Instructions Step 1 Often, cats refuse to eat a variety of foods due to the fact that they have been accustomed to ready-made foods from childhood
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Commercial cat food is often of poor quality and is made from offal - waste. They are digested too quickly. The cat walks hungry all the time, in addition, dry food provokes the development of urolithiasis. Therefore, it is not recommended to feed your pet with dry food alone
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Many of us keep cats in our homes. Some owners have encountered a situation where the kitten you bought refuses normal food and only eats ready-made, commercial, wet or dry cat food. This is due to the fact that the former owners fed him only store food
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Previously, domestic cats were content with soup and pieces of meat from the table of their owners and did not know any worries. Today, specialty pet food has a special place not only in stores, but even in advertisements and veterinarian advice
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Pets react differently to changing environments, dietary patterns, seasons, etc. Some of them become lethargic or too active, aggressive or affectionate. But if the cat does not eat for no apparent reason for a long time, then this may be a symptom of a serious illness
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Recently, small and even dwarf dog breeds have become more and more popular. Their representatives, even as adults, are more like soft toys than full-fledged dogs. However, their cost is often much more than that of large dogs, since it is largely due to capricious fashion
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Spitz is a small dog with luxurious fur, a pointed muzzle, pointed erect ears and a fluffy tail, twisted into a ring. Currently, the smallest German (Pomeranian) Spitz are especially popular. The most common oranges are reddish-orange in color
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
These funny fluffy lumps will leave no one indifferent! Today the Pomeranian is considered the ideal dog breed for the inhabitants of the metropolis. This excellent miniature dog will become a wonderful companion, loyal companion and devoted friend
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The Pomeranian is definitely a very attractive breed. This dog captivates with its radiant smile, thick, beautiful coat, playful behavior. However, before you get a Pomeranian and a dog in general, it is important from the very beginning to correctly place accents, to weigh the pros and cons
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Spitz are friendly companion dogs, so when purchasing a puppy of this breed, keep in mind that he needs constant communication with a person and will grow up as an obedient, balanced and well-mannered dog only if they are dealt with regularly, and not occasionally
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Today there are over five hundred different dog breeds. A person can choose a pet according to his taste and capabilities, you just need to formulate the requirements and, in accordance with them, choose the breed. It is necessary to take into account all the details:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
There are dog breeds that do well in an apartment. There are those who need a much larger area. To choose the right pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for keeping it. Choosing the right breed of dog will help to avoid various problems related to its maintenance and upbringing in the future
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
When choosing a dog breed, it is worth considering not only its external characteristics. Think about whether you can provide her with all the necessary conditions. For example, not every dog is suitable for keeping in a small apartment. Instructions Step 1 First of all, pay attention to miniature dogs
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Some people who live in apartments take large breeds of dogs without thinking about the consequences and end up giving them to shelters, friends, or throwing them out on the street, because they are not able to cope with the energy of a large breed
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As often happens, I want to have a dog, but sometimes there is not enough space, sometimes allergies are among relatives, then there is no one to walk. But if you really want to make a four-legged friend, then you can always find a way out. After all, there are breeds whose representatives will suit absolutely everyone:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Labradors are elegant, noble and unusually good-natured dogs, in which it is impossible to be disappointed. When buying a puppy, you take responsibility for his life and health for 13-15 years, so you should be responsible when choosing a pet
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Many dog breeds are bred for a specific purpose. The Labrador Retriever is a unique breed as it combines the qualities of a hunting and police dog, a rescuer and a guide. If you describe it in one word, then we can say that this is the most loyal type of dog to man
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Labrador is one of the most common dog breeds, a true friend who will never give. Labradors are a kind of record holders, because their intelligence is one of the most developed among the representatives of the canine tribe. The Labrador Retriever has a reputation as a favorite of the whole family and a kind of loving kind-hearted person, but his proper upbringing and subsequent training are the primary tasks for everyone who opted for a puppy of this particular breed
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Despite its rather impressive size, from the first glance at the Labrador it becomes clear that this is a dog-friend. Recently, the breed has become especially popular, especially since Labradors feel quite well even in city apartments. The Labrador breed is considered universal, although it belongs to the subgroup of hunting gun dogs - waiting for the hunter's shot, tracking the place where the game fell and bringing it to the owner
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The Labrador Retriever dog is an example of true friendship and sincere, pure love. The breed appeared a little over 100 years ago and very quickly gained popularity among breeders all over the world. Due to its calm, good-natured and perky nature, the Labrador is considered an ideal family dog that gets along well not only with people, but also with other animals
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Currently, there are many different breeds of dogs on Earth, however, representatives of one breed can be observed at least every day, while others, on the contrary, are extremely rare. By the way, this is what makes these dogs exclusive and even semi-legendary
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Before adopting a dog as a pet, many parents think about which breed is the friendliest. It should be noted that often it is from the upbringing of a pet that his disposition to people depends. Therefore, the ratings of the most evil and kind dogs are often headed by the same breeds
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
You've probably heard or noticed yourself that many owners and their dogs are very similar to each other. This is because each person subconsciously chooses a companion for himself by his character and temperament. If you are calm and balanced, you can make a conscious choice when you know which dog breeds match your temperament
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Russian shelters are often full of yard animals without a specific breed, but in the USA and European countries, every third dog is purebred. The owners give their pets to shelters for various reasons: the birth of a child, moving, allergies, inability to cope with the nature of an active pet, and so on