The child was presented with a hamster, but calling him "kitty-kitty" is somehow out of place? You can think of a funny name for your pet!

It is necessary
fantasy, sense of humor
Step 1
It is important for a hamster, especially if it is a girl, that he, that is, her, is fed nourishingly, densely, regularly, the house is clean, and the bedding is warm. Therefore, if you do all this, then the hamster will gladly respond to any name, even to "krakozyabra". Therefore, the name, rather, you need to choose the one you like, you can not ask the hamster for consent.
A wonderful name for "Plush". Immediately a plump, chubby animal appears, gazing with shining beady eyes from under a plush bangs. If you have exactly cheekiness - feel free to call it Plush.
For originals, the name "Murka" can be advised. Calling a hamster by the standard name of its worst enemy requires a special sense of humor. Although, on the other hand, why is the name "Murka" bad for a hamster? The key words in this question are "for the hamster." That's right, just for a hamster, nothing is bad. Because - just name it.

Step 2
A gentle teenage girl (in the sense of the mistress of a hamster) may like the name "Businka". Why it is good: it suits a hamster as a small animal, has funny diminutive derivatives - Busya, Buska, Busyok. Hamster Buska - sounds like the name of a children's book, a little funny and affectionate.
The name "Maya", by analogy with the bee, the famous heroine of the animated series, will suit a workaholic hamster who runs in his wheel, sparing no energy.
"Georgette", if your girl is a big lover of food and is not at all shy about the third chin.
"Sonny", if the nicest thing for your pet is to dig deeper into the litter and watch dreams about a journey to a cheese country there.

Step 3
The name "Monkey" will suit a little cunning who does not feed honey (you do not feed it, in the case of a hamster, this is clearly superfluous), just let me secretly open the cage door, run out and merge with the baseboard.
In general, the idea is this: watch your pet for a day or two, identify the features of its character, and choose a name that suits the pet like no one else.