Ducks and geese are waterfowl and share many features. The plumage of these birds is impervious to water, and their paws are equipped with membranes. Feeding, nesting and even mating are associated with water in their lives. And yet, there are quite serious differences between the duck and the goose, which are most noticeable in the color and size of the representatives of this group.

It is necessary
Biological encyclopedia, ecological dictionary, computer, sites about birds, a ticket to the zoo
Step 1
Dimensions. The body shape of geese and ducks is similar, but the sizes are different. The goose is much larger than the duck. Also, the legs of a goose are much longer than those of a duck. They are equipped with a long tarsus - a spur and relatively short fingers. These features enable geese to move well on land and, moreover, run quite fast.

Step 2
Neck. Geese have a well-developed long neck, which gives them such a regal appearance and distinguishes them from other birds. But the duck's neck is much shorter. But this moment is only good for them. Such a structure allows ducks, in search of food, to plunge into the water upside down, and head down, absolutely vertically.

Step 3
Beak. The duck has a flat beak, perfect for feeding on the water. The goose's beak, on the other hand, is large, taller and less flat. It is equipped with a kind of "claw" at the end. This structure allows the goose to easily pull tufts of grass out of the ground.

Step 4
Coloring. In most species of ducks, the coloration of males and females is very different from each other. This sexual dimorphism is clearly manifested during the mating season, when the plumage of males acquires especially rich shades.

Step 5
Sounds. The voices of the ducks are varied. But, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the vocal apparatus, they are all quite different from goose sounds. The "trumpet" cackle of a goose is loud and shrill, and in times of danger it is replaced by a hiss.

Step 6
Food. The duck can feed even at night. Unlike ducks, the goose never feeds at night, but sleeps on the shore or walks on the water. The goose eats only plant foods. The duck, in contrast to geese and swans, feeds not only on plant food, but also on animal food. It feeds on small crustaceans, snails, fish, frogs and even crabs. Simply put, a duck eats everything that comes in its way and fits it in size.
Step 7
In order to distinguish a goose carcass from a duck when buying, you need to remember a few simple points: 1. a goose carcass is larger than a duck carcass;
2. goose bumps have a more pronounced, coarse texture than duck;
3. goose meat is darker in color than duck meat.