How To Name A Cat

How To Name A Cat
How To Name A Cat

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When a cat appears in the house, you are faced with a lot of pleasant, but at the same time exciting questions. It doesn't matter that, as a first approximation, you decided most of them some time ago. Here, this fluffy happiness looks into the eyes, and immediately a dozen of the most diverse doubts fall on you. Will he like the house (bedding, bowl, drinking cup, my mother, husband, wife, child)? What if the cat doesn't want to eat dry food (turkey breast, boiled fish, beef pate)? What happens if you refuse to drink water or milk? Will he understand that his toilet is over there in the blue container? One of the main ones - the choice of a nickname - by this moment is usually already decided. However, you shouldn't think that this solution is static. Sociologists assure that no less than a third of people who have come up with in advance what they will call their new pet, looking at it for the first time, change their minds ("what kind of Richard, if this is Grinya").

Choose a beautiful and sonorous name for your cat
Choose a beautiful and sonorous name for your cat


Step 1

Think, maybe you don't have to go far and it is worth calling the cat one of the human names? For this, all you need is to arm yourself with a dictionary where names are given in abundance. Along the way, you can see what the name means. Only is it worth it? Most often, it is selected through the connection between the sound association and the appearance or some details of the animal's behavior. It is extremely important to take into account the fact whether the cat will respond to this name. There is no consensus, but most experts studying the behavioral aspects of animal life are sure that they perceive a nickname with a length of no more than three sounds. The rest are cutting back. Some time ago, the press actively exaggerated the idea that the cat has three names: what the mother-cat called him at birth, what the person calls and what he calls himself. This is an interesting point of view, it carries some logic, in particular, when a cat meows in the direction of the kids, often someone runs up to her, hence the feeling that he was called.

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nicknames for black cats boys

Step 2

Remember that the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables in a nickname is important - it is this that creates a certain rhythm. A name devoid of rhythm will never sound beautiful. Another basic rule - do not place two consonants in a row. By and large, even a short name must have at least one voiced consonant. Sometimes the feline breeder prescribes to name the kitten by a specific letter. This is done to further determine the litter of pedigree animals. All brothers and sisters of your cat who are born at the same time will also have nicknames starting with her.

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name for white boy cat

Step 3

Decide whether you should not move away from the idea of a human name by naming the cat in tune with its breed (color, behavioral reactions). An Abyssinian or Bengal cat can be named Red, Red, Orange (organic abbreviation - Apple). Oriental cat - Ushastik or Ushan, however, you can also Cheburashka. American Curl - Silktail (they have a surprisingly soft "silk" coat). An adequate name for a British cat with its massiveness and imposingness is Emperor, General (as an option - Colonel). Donskoy or Canadian Sphynx, as well as bambino, Devon Rex, and even more so - Cornish Rex, bald cats, amazing body structure resembling aliens (the image that developed in the understanding of society after watching the corresponding films) can be called the names of the heroes of "Star Wars" … A Persian cat with a doll-like face (for such a special term, a baby-face has even been invented), it is appropriate to call Pushhok (Punia), Dymok (Dymka), Bantik (Bath).

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how to name a kitten - boy

Step 4

Perhaps you shouldn't be smart - stop at some common feline (sometimes derived from a human) name. Nobody said that all Barsiks are necessarily red "noblemen", to call such a nickname a fluffy Siberian or, say, a Norwegian forest cat is completely normal. Murzik can be Maine Coon or Ragdoll, and Peterbald Vaska is so original. At about the same level of originality, the Ocicat Boris, the Siamese Sigismund (for the household - Munya), the Angora Mitrofan (Mitya), the Egyptian Mau Kotofey (Kotya), the Kurilian bobtail Kuzya. And you can go even further, acting on the contrary. Who said that there are no cats Tuzikov, Sharikov, Bobikov and Polkanov. It is unusual to call a member of the feline family a dog name.

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what can you call a white ordinary cat

Step 5

After choosing a name for your pet, repeat it to yourself several times. It should be comfortable for you to pronounce it. Experts believe that how you name the cat depends largely on how your relationship will develop in the future. This is especially important to consider if you have a family. Everyone should come up with a nickname together so that everyone, regardless of age, participates in the discussion. It is unlikely that the cat or you, as a loving owner, will be comfortable in conditions when one of your household members, not finding a common language with the animal, will begin to clearly dislike it and at the same time not shy away from demonstrating it from time to time. So the whole family should look for a name (by the way, it will do her good - it is from such droplets that the feeling of unity develops). Perhaps your child will notice some positive or negative traits in the kitten that are invisible to you. Then the animal can be called Shustrik, Bindweed, Razinya. Or you might want to name the fluffy after the famous (based on cartoons) feline brothers - Leopold, Garfield, Matroskin, Behemoth (there are also advanced children who watched The Master and Margarita).

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What is the best cat to get

Step 6

Name the cat in tune with its breed. Abyssinian - Afrikanych, Kerla - Yankees, Bangaltsa - Galich. Based on this principle, Scottish fold can be Albion, a significant part of bald cats - Rex or Sphinx, Munchkin - Manchik, Maine Coon - Cooney, cute nickname for a bobtail - Bobby. Surely the cat's story has seen more than one Persian cat named Peach, and Thai cats named Mai-Tai. Toyger can be a Tiger, or a Tiger, or a Tigger, or a Tigger. A Japanese Bobtail cat with a characteristic color can be called Kyoto, Murakami, Sumo (especially if it is large), Okinawa, Asahi. Siamese or Mekong Bobtail - Buddha, Krishna, Dharma, Samsara, Dosha, Lotus. Of course, there are more than three sounds in all these nicknames, but they all deserve that you make them the name of your pet.
