Having decided on the breed of the dog, you will have an equally important event - to choose a puppy. Little puppies are very similar to each other, so it is rather difficult to determine which one is "your". Some people think that the dog needs to look in the eyes, and everything will become clear. Others say that "your" puppy is the one who will come up to you.

Step 1
Going to get the puppy, you probably already decided what you need a dog for. Character does not always depend on the breed. In one litter completely different puppies are born. Take a closer look at each of them. If you are acquiring a future guard, then the puppy should be lively, playful and strong. A calm and slow puppy is suitable for walking, but not for hunting. Moreover, a puppy that is too sluggish may have some kind of congenital diseases.
Step 2
The ideal age for selling a puppy is 1.5 months. Before this age, the puppy has not yet fully formed the psyche, and in the future this may have a bad effect on his character. A puppy older than 3 months is also not the best choice, because by this age the dog has already formed a lot of habits, from which it will be difficult to wean and re-educate him. On the contrary, it is recommended to choose a dog for exhibitions from 3 months. The older the puppy, the more noticeable its pedigree exterior. Since all babies are alike, having acquired a very small puppy, you run the risk of being disappointed later. You may not immediately notice that the puppy does not look like a "dad" from the photo, but like a "neighbor" from the gateway. But, as the saying goes, "what has grown has grown." If such a disappointment befell you, do not give up the dog, because regardless of the breed, he will love and respect you.
Step 3
A healthy puppy has a shiny and even coat. The puppy's eyes shine, and there should be no purulent accumulations in the corners. The nose should be moist and cool and the ears clean and odorless. The abdomen should not be swollen and painful when touched. A healthy dog is active, takes part in all games, and does not sit on the sidelines; he has a great appetite.
Step 4
Give the puppies some small tests. For example, give them a sharp hand. The one who is not afraid to approach is the most courageous. Or, throw a toy on the floor that they haven't seen before. The toy should not be too big and noisy, otherwise you risk scaring away the puppies. A puppy who does not run away, but is interested in the subject, is a real daredevil.
Step 5
If the puppy greets you with open arms, this is not good. When the baby grows up, his character can remain the same, friendly and affectionate. But the downside is that he can meet in this way not only you, but also any passer-by, be it a friend or an enemy. If this does not scare you, take such a puppy. In his "face" you will get a faithful and kind friend.