What Breed Is The Kitten From The "Whiskas" Advertisement

What Breed Is The Kitten From The "Whiskas" Advertisement
What Breed Is The Kitten From The "Whiskas" Advertisement

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Commercials for "Whiskas" food have won love even among people who do not have special feelings for the representatives of the feline family. The company has selected some of the most adorable kittens in the world for filming. Their name is Scottish Straight. This is a breed of straight-eared Scottish cats, distinguished by an almost "cartoonish" appearance and good-natured character.

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Breed standard

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how to determine the breed of a cat

To create commercials, manufacturers of Whiskas food chose representatives of the Scottish Straight breed. This is a breed of straight Scottish cats, isolated recently. Until 2005, the Straights were registered as a British breed, but this caused confusion. Today Scottish Straight is one of the most popular and demanded breeds.

Outwardly, these cats really resemble the British, but at the same time they have a number of distinctive features: a rounded muzzle, a long flexible tail tapering towards the end, small narrow erect ears. Scottish Straights have a muscular graceful body and not very long, strong limbs with tightly clenched fingers. Males, as a rule, are noticeably larger than females: an adult cat weighs on average 4 kg, and a cat - 3-3.5 kg. The head is rounded due to the convex forehead and round cheeks. The profile is straight, the nasal bridge is slightly concave. The chin is not too prominent and the neck is short. All Scottish girls certainly have large expressive wide-set eyes. The color may vary depending on the coat color. The coat is plush to the touch and has a fine double texture.

Some of the traits considered good by the British, are disadvantages in Scottish Straights, such as a flat forehead or a noticeable stop of the nose.


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Scottish Straights, like all Scottish cats, have a very docile and peaceful disposition. They are level-headed and attached to home and owners. Kittens of this breed are playful, but obedient at the same time, they easily learn to the litter box and, with proper upbringing, do not cause any trouble.

It is advisable to wean the kitten from the mother at the age of two and a half months

Scottish straight-eared cats are intelligent and do not annoy meowing: they can give a voice in very rare cases, for example, if they forgot to feed. They get along well with other animals and are friends with small children, quickly get used to unfamiliar surroundings, are well-versed in new places and do not get nervous during cat shows and exhibitions. Nature has endowed Scottish Straights with a sharp mind and ingenuity, but aggression is completely alien to them - these are exclusively domestic decorative cats. Moreover, they are extremely clean. If you have two such cats, they will regularly lick each other thoroughly.

Finally, it is worth noting such a unique feature of the Scottish as their love to relax in unusual positions. The internet is flooded with funny videos of these adorable pets napping on their backs or in lotus position.
