The smallest cat on the planet is a pretty honorable title. But the reason for the preservation of miniature dimensions in adulthood can be both selection and gene mutation. Therefore, it makes sense to consider both representatives of the tiniest breed in the world, and individual cats of non-standard sizes.

The smallest breed

The smallest breed of cats is officially Singapore. An adult Singaporean cat weighs on average no more than two kilograms, a cat - no more than three. At home, in Singapore, this breed is a national treasure: its representative, named Kusinta, is considered the country's talisman, and a monument was erected in her honor.
Singaporeans are renowned for their exotic looks. These miniature short-haired creatures can be of different colors, but according to the American standard, only two color options are recognized: sepia agouti (reminiscent of ivory) and sable brown.
Singaporeans have huge expressive eyes, similar to saucers, and their coat is plush to the touch, since it does not have an undercoat. Despite the seeming fragility, these babies are distinguished by enviable health and energy. They are extremely mobile and playful, but kittens develop longer than representatives of other breeds.
Singapore cats have a small but very strong muscular body, a round head with a blunt nose and large ears.
The smallest cats in the world

Be that as it may, not a single Singapore claims to be the smallest cat on the planet. Until 1997, a Himalayan cat from the United States named Tinker Toy, whose weight was only 680 grams, was considered the record holder. Today his place is taken by a simple mongrel cat named Mr. Peibbles - it is his name that is inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records. The length of its body, excluding the tail, is 15 centimeters. The animal weighs one and a half kilograms and easily fits in a tall glass. Mr. Peibbles stopped growing as a child due to a mysterious genetic malfunction.
The owner of Mr. Peibbles named the cat after the character of the popular TV series Seinfeld.
The first owner of the cat, dissatisfied with his appearance, took the poor fellow to a shelter. Luckily Peibbles fell into good hands - the hands of veterinarian Donna Sussman. She sent the baby to the Shepherd Veterinary Clinic for examination, where the cat was diagnosed with a genetic defect. After making sure that the baby will not grow up anymore, the staff collected all the necessary documents and submitted an application to the Guinness Book of Records.
Since then, Mr. Peibbles has stayed with the Sussman family. He has a peaceful character and loves to sleep in bed with the owners. Unlike his predecessor, Tinker Toy, who lived for only six years, Peibbles is distinguished by excellent health. He turned nine in 2013 and is still full of energy and feels great.