Kurilian Bobtail

Kurilian Bobtail
Kurilian Bobtail

Kurilian Bobtail - the truth and myths about the tailless cat.

here we are 5 months old
here we are 5 months old

I have long wanted to have a kitten and my choice fell on the British, I had already started saving money, when I was unexpectedly offered to take a free alimony kitten of an unknown breed - the Kuril Bobtail. It was already more than three years ago, and this breed was really not very popular, there were few reviews on the Internet, like a photo, but still I decided and went to see what kind of tailless cat it was.

Cheney Pushbots (as we called him) really differed from the standard cat, instead of a tail there was a fluffy pompom, and the structure of the body was somewhat different, very long hind legs. In general, I fell in love the first time. The cat, as I already mentioned, is more than three years old, so I can tell a lot about the breed, consider the myths that exist on the Internet:

1. Do not fade.

Shedding, and how! We have a fluffy, and during molting, wool is everywhere, comb it out as much as you want!

2. Are not afraid of water.

My one is afraid. Of course, we can crawl into the aquarium with our paws, but washing is like death, after each water procedure for forgiveness, you have to beg and buy sweets.

3. Does not stink.

But I agree with this, there is something to compare with. My brother also has a cat, and when he leaves, leaves the pet to us, his litter box really smells stronger.

4. Not allergenic.

At this point, purely my personal opinion and experience, concerning only our relationship with the cat. I am an allergic person, in general I have a reaction to many things (there is a small urticaria on my brother's cat when wool comes into contact with thin areas of skin), but the kurbob sleeps in the legs and see item 1. I cannot say that the breed is not allergenic, but in our case it really is.

5. Amenable to training.

Probably, any animal can be trained if you do it, and our cat is no exception. She taught me how to bring an abandoned thing in 15 minutes, this is my favorite game to this day, we walk on a leash regularly, we know "next to" and "not" by mouth. Probably every pet can teach the "candle" with the help of a treat, but nevertheless it is not a dog, and most of the feline waywardness is certainly present in the breed.

6. A cat of one owner.

Yes Yes Yes!!! To the rest of the inhabitants of the house, he is rather indulgent, they can stroke, feed, but he will never come to his hands. The owner is endlessly devoted to the point of excessive obsession, so if you don't have time every time you come home from work to devote 15-20 minutes to ironing the cat, it is better not to start it. If the owner does not devote time to the pet, they begin to do little dirty tricks - to tear the wallpaper or furniture, walk on tables (this is not only my opinion, there is a similar problem on many forums).

In general, the breed is interesting, it is not for nothing that smokers are called cattops: you can walk on a harness, and listen to cat murkas. I can't speak for all representatives, but mine is very loyal to both people and animals, signs of intelligence are clearly slipping, the breed is very unpretentious and most of all these cats need the attention and love of the owner.
