Little funny kittens are weapons of mass destruction - they cause affection and the desire to take them in your arms. With age, cats become more graceful and graceful, but many owners would still like their pets to remain crumbs, retaining their childish features. If you don't want your pet to grow up, it makes sense to pay attention to the smallest cat breeds.


Singapore is an amazing breed of cats, hailing, as its name suggests, from Singapore, located in southeast Asia. It is a wonderful creature with a soft silky coat without an undercoat, golden cream color with dark brown markings on the head, back and tail. Singapore is the smallest cat breed: males reach a maximum weight of three kilograms, while females weigh less than two kilograms. Singapura has huge ears and large expressive eyes that will leave few people indifferent. The breed is so fond of the inhabitants of the islands that the export of these cats from the country is prohibited by law.

Dwarf bobtail

The dwarf bobtail, or Scythian-tai-don, is another miniature representative of the feline family. This is an experimental breed developed in Russia at the end of the 20th century. The size of an adult dwarf bobtail is comparable to the size of a three to four month old kitten from an ordinary cat. The "Scythians" are characterized by a seal-point color, a short, often curled tail and remarkable courage. Despite their very modest size, bobtails are not afraid of things that usually seem quite intimidating to representatives of other breeds. They are not embarrassed by dogs, open fire and passing cars. Bobtail can be taught the simplest commands, and small kittens can make sounds that resemble a dog barking.


The miniature cat Munchkin has a very unusual appearance. Her physique resembles that of a dachshund dog: Munchkins have short legs. This modification is the result of natural mutation, and not the painstaking work of breeders. Nevertheless, today the Munchkin is an officially recognized breed. The weight of males ranges from three to four kilograms, of females - two to three kilograms. Munchkins are both long-haired and short-haired, they have large ears and round expressive eyes. Looking at newborn kittens, one might think that they were born with dislocated paws, and will never be able to move, but this is a deceptive impression, and the longer the paws are in such an unnatural position, the shorter they will be in an adult animal. Despite the seeming clumsiness, munchkins are very dexterous and graceful animals. They are loyal to their owner, love to walk on a harness and easily find a common language with other animals.