Devon Rex Cats: Descendants Of Fairy Elves

Devon Rex Cats: Descendants Of Fairy Elves
Devon Rex Cats: Descendants Of Fairy Elves

Possessing large expressive eyes and huge, low-set ears, shaped like butterfly wings, Devon Rex cats resemble bats or fairy elves with their muzzle outline. Fans of the Harry Potter series can say with confidence that the Devons are an exact copy of the pixie - a crafty blue elf from old English fairy tales. Devonian cats are just as mischievous and capable of unpredictable actions by nature, which makes their owners stock up on an enviable amount of patience and an extraordinary sense of humor.

Devon Rex cats: descendants of fairy elves
Devon Rex cats: descendants of fairy elves

Devon is not an artificially bred cat breed. The legend of their origin says: the first girls were found in the abandoned mines of Devonshire in England. Local forests and underground caves, according to folk legends, were a refuge for gnomes, trolls, elves. Isn't it a confirmation of the fabulous essence of these unusual cats?

Another distinctive feature of this breed is that their coat is not straight, but has curly curls. This feature of the cover in animals is called rex mutation. It affects some breeds of rabbits, domestic rodents and, accordingly, cats. Interestingly, when Devons are crossed with Cornish Rex cats, which also have curly hair, kittens are born straight-haired.

Breeders and owners of Devons find this one in an apartment, opening any locks and latches with their paws, making it look like a mischievous monkey.

By nature, the Devons are very playful, they are able to occupy themselves for hours, inventing new activities and fun. Anything that catches their eye can serve as toys for them. It is not so easy to select an object for games that has attracted the Devonian - the cat will desperately defend its wealth with an unhappy growl.

Another favorite pastime of devons is to sit comfortably on the body of their master. If a family contains several representatives of this breed of cats, then it is often possible to see how several Devons literally attack their master, settling themselves on his shoulders, arms, and knees. At the same time, animals behave friendly towards each other, without jealousy and resentment.

Another important advantage of keeping Devon Rex in an apartment is that these cats do not shed and their coat does not have a characteristic "cat" smell.
