The historical homeland of Maine Coon cats is the United States of America. These cats were bred about a hundred years ago, the breed was officially recognized in 1976, and since then Maine Coons have spread far beyond America. They are hardy and large. In size, the Maine Coon is inferior only to the savannah - a hybrid of the African serval and a domestic cat.

Maine Coons have a strong muscular rectangular body and strong legs. On average, representatives of this breed weigh about 10 kilograms, but there are also especially large individuals that weigh up to 15 kilograms. The tail is long, the length is slightly inferior to the length of the whole body of the Maine Coon. The muzzle is square, the ears are larger, and have tassels at the ends. The eyes are round, set straight, and most often have a green or golden color.
Wool and color
Maine Coon's coat does not get wet, it is heterogeneous in length. The head and shoulders of the cat are covered with short hair, but the further from the head, the longer it becomes. There is an undercoat - soft, thin, but at the same time dense. Representatives of this breed have the following colors: chocolate, cinnamon, red marble with red. Maine Coon hair does not require special care, it is enough to comb your pet every day.
Maine Coons are affectionate, good-natured. They are social, active, and understanding. With all this, cats of this breed are independent, independent, calm. Maine Coons adapt well to changing surroundings, get along well with other pets. They need a lot of space to walk wherever they want and catch mice. Cats of this breed are excellent mouse-catchers. And they also like to watch the owners from above - from some high shelf or cabinet, for example.