Maine Coon is one of the largest domestic cats. Representatives of this breed are usually intelligent, affectionate, calm and friendly. Maine Coon cats love to play with other animals and with children.

Maine Coon, or mens raccoon cat is an excellent choice for cat lovers who prefer beautiful rare breeds of pets. Outwardly, the Maine Coon resembles a jungle cat, but its character is more domestic and peaceful. She gets along well with children, as well as other animals such as dogs or even small rodents. The cat of this breed is smart, playful, easy to train. It does not require any special complex care, which is very convenient.
External features
The appearance of the Maine Coon is extraordinary - smooth hair on the front of the body, and the tail and back of the body are covered with long hair, like Persian cats. Some representatives have small tufts on their ears. One of the distinctive features of cats is a pleasant, quiet voice peculiar only to this breed.
The Maine Coon cat is a dream come true for those who have always dreamed of having a real indoor tiger or snow leopard, but would not dare to endanger themselves and their loved ones. These are some of the largest domestic cats. Their body length exceeds a meter, and their weight can reach 15 kilograms.
Character and habits
Interestingly, despite their frightening size, these cats are surprisingly gentle in nature, they are very affectionate and affectionate, they love to play with children and lie on pillows.
Usually already in nurseries engaged in breeding representatives of the cat family, they are taught to use a scratching post, so there are no problems with scratched wallpaper.
Originating from places with harsh climatic conditions, these cats love to sleep in seemingly uncomfortable places or in an unusual position.
Maine Coons are excellent hunters. Without touching your domestic rodents, they will catch all the mice and rats, if they are found in the house and cause inconvenience. They are also well accustomed to a variety of tricks, since they are very playful and active by nature.
It is advisable to have a large area for a frisky pet. However, at home, a furry friend will feel great, having excellent adaptive abilities and a calm, unpretentious, shy disposition. He is delicate and neat, despite his mobility - running and jumping of a ten-kilogram pet does not harm the home environment. Unlike most cats, the Maine Coon does not like tight spaces and does not climb into all kinds of boxes and shelves.
By the way, the Maine Coon is very attached to its owners, but is wary of strangers.