Purebred Siamese cats are distinguished by their exquisite appearance and independent character. When planning to purchase a kitten of this breed, decide in advance whether you will exhibit it or use it in breeding. If you need an adorable pet, you can save money on buying it, but show and breed-class kittens are quite expensive.

Kittens for business and soul: who to prefer

When choosing a kitten, check out its pedigree. It should clearly indicate the breed of both the kitten's parents and his closest ancestors. This is important if you are interested in breeding. If you are planning to purchase a pet "for the soul", be guided by the appearance of the parents.

Decide in advance whether you will take a male or a female. Oriental breeding cats tend to be pugnacious. But if you do not plan breeding, it is better to buy a cat and be sure to castrate it. This operation is less traumatic for the male than for the female. After spaying, the cat will become less aggressive and will relieve many other behavioral problems. Those who are going to mate their animals, but want to save money, should buy a breed-class cat. Unlike a male of the same category, it is allowed for breeding, and it costs less than show-class animals.

Breed standards

When choosing a kitten, carefully examine it. Of course, it is not always possible to recognize the future champion in a baby, but defects or advantages are noticeable even at a young age. Assess the coat and color of the animal. Siamese cats are distinguished by their dense, short hair that is close to the body. Kittens are born pure white, but after two weeks the real color of their fur appears. The most popular option is the color point with dark chocolate marks on the creamy skin. Less well known is the blue point color - pearl gray with slightly darker markings.

A distinctive feature of the Siamese is the slanting almond-shaped eyes of a transparent blue color, set at the level of the back of the nose. There should be no spots on the iris, and the eyes should never be round. The muzzle of the Siamese is slightly elongated, pointed. Pay attention to the ears too. The ideal option is a kitten with large, well-standing ears.
The kitten's physique should be proportional. The Siamese are distinguished by an elongated torso and legs, an elegant, not too dense body. Examine the tail - it should be long, thin, tapering towards the end, without kinks.
The main thing is health
When choosing a kitten, make sure it is healthy. Siamese babies are distinguished by good immunity, however, examination of the future pet is necessary. Check the proportionality of the addition of the animal, evaluate how it moves. Look under the tail of the animal - there should be no traces of diarrhea on the fur. The nose and eyes should also be clean, without crusts or discharge. The skin of a healthy kitten is shiny, there are no traces of dandruff or bald spots on it.
Pay attention to the kitten's behavior. A healthy animal is active, curious, he gladly makes contact, is interested in toys. Ask the animal's appetite - it is desirable that it was unpretentious in food. Pedigree kittens must be accustomed to solid food and vaccinated - do not forget to take a certificate confirming the timely vaccination.