Some Facts About The Jungle Cat

Some Facts About The Jungle Cat
Some Facts About The Jungle Cat

There are many species of animals belonging to the feline family. Some are favorite pets, others are wild carnivores. There are also species that occupy some intermediate position between wild predators and domestic cats. Such a representative of the feline family is the jungle cat. If you tame a jungle cat, then it may well become a favorite pet.

Some facts about the jungle cat
Some facts about the jungle cat

The jungle cat (aka house) lives in impassable, wetlands located near water bodies. No wonder it is also called "jungle cat" or "swamp lynx". Asia Minor and Central Asia, as well as some natural zones of Russia, can be attributed to the habitat of the jungle cat.

Very rarely, a house leaves its home and appears in an open area. The jungle cat can hardly endure a drop in temperature, so it rarely masters mountainous areas.

The appearance of a jungle cat differs from ordinary domestic cats: its length is up to 1 meter, where a third part is a long and pointed tail, and it weighs about 16 kg. Thanks to its long legs, the cat can easily walk along the banks of rivers and lakes. The color of the house depends on the habitat, it can be either red or gray, a little brown.

Having excellent hearing and excellent eyesight, the jungle cat will never be left without prey on the hunt. The trophies of the swamp lynx are: birds, snakes, rodents. In the daytime, cats are not active, but when dusk falls, then a real hunter wakes up.

By nature, the jungle cat is a loner. Only in the mating season, while he is looking for a mate, does he live with other relatives. With his chosen one, the house settles in the thickets of reeds or in an abandoned burrow. A cat's pregnancy lasts more than two months. At the end of the term, from two to five kittens are born, each baby weighing about 110 grams.

A young cat can be easily tamed and made as a pet. But do not forget that the jungle cat is still a predator.
