Cats are amazing and friendly animals. They bring comfort, joy and fun to the house, eventually becoming full members of the family. Among the cat breeds, the most popular are: Don Sphynxes, Persian, Siamese, British and Russian blue cats.

Step 1
Don Sphynxes have become a popular breed due to their unearthly appearance and diligent nature. The cat looks a little attractive, as it is naked, without hair, with many folds. Despite this, she also has an ardent admirer. The Sphynx is an affectionate and loyal pet that quickly becomes attached to its owner and suffers alone. He is not aggressive, sociable, supportive of children. The Sphinx is smart and sensitive. Representatives of this breed understand well the mood of the owner. The bald cat has a muscular and sturdy body with long legs, large ears and almond-shaped eyes. A big plus of keeping a Sphynx in the house is the indifference of cats of this breed to furniture, doors and wallpaper.

Step 2
Siamese cats are short-haired beauties with blue eyes, who are loved for their friendly attitude, temperament and sociability. They have a triangular muzzle with a peculiar pattern and dark spots on their feet, ears and tail. Siamese cats have a long and lithe body. representatives of this breed are unpredictable and prone to jealousy. They love to be close to their master and try to follow him everywhere. Siamese cats have a loud voice. They are the most talkative of the feline family.

Step 3
The grace and beauty of the Russian blue cat are the main reasons for the popularity of this breed. Representatives of this breed differ from other cats with silvery hair and almond-shaped green eyes. The Russian blue cat has excellent hunting instincts. She perfectly catches mice and rats. The animal has a docile but independent character. Aggression is not typical for this breed, although there are exceptions here. The blue cat has high intelligence and gets along well with children. Shy, proud and very clean, the Russian Blue can lick her fur all day long. The homeland of cats of this breed is Arkhangelsk.

Step 4
The Persian cat, bred in the 17th century, is also popular among animal lovers and breeders. She has a long coat, a stocky figure, a flattened nose, a broad head and a large fluffy collar. Persians are good-natured, intelligent and sociable. Also cats of this breed are overly calm and passive. They are rarely seen jumping and running. Also, Persian cats have absolutely no interest in mouse hunting.

Step 5
People liked it and gained immense popularity all over the world with the shorthaired British cat. Representatives of this breed are even called teddy bears. The British cat has a large build, thick and soft hair, round eyes and straight or drooping ears. Representatives of this cat breed are unpretentious animals with an even and affectionate character. British cats get along well with other pets and love to play with children.