Wild Animals

How To Treat A Budgerigar For A Cold

How To Treat A Budgerigar For A Cold

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Parrots are one of the most disease-resistant birds. However, they can also catch a cold due to temperature changes in the room, drafts, cold water in the drinking bowl. The owners need to start treatment immediately, because diseases in small birds are rapid

How To Tell If Your Cat Has A Temperature

How To Tell If Your Cat Has A Temperature

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The symptoms of illness in domestic cats are often different from those in humans. For example, it is difficult to know if an animal has a fever or if it is its normal temperature. There are special methods for detecting this symptom that are applicable to cats

How To Numb A Dog

How To Numb A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Unfortunately, animals, like people, sometimes get sick. They may need treatment, surgery, and pain relief. But what suits a person may not benefit the dog, or even harm it altogether. Therefore, pain relievers for a pet must be carefully selected, calculating the required dosage

How To Put A Dropper On A Dog

How To Put A Dropper On A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

We are obliged to take care of our smaller brothers. Without our care, they will not be able to survive, no matter how trite it sounds. This is especially true of purebred dogs, which many have in their homes. Many breeds of domestic dogs have been bred selectively through multiple crosses

How To Treat A Kitten For Diarrhea

How To Treat A Kitten For Diarrhea

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Feline illnesses can appear suddenly in both an adult and a very small kitten. When cleaning up after your pet, always check if the kitten has diarrhea. And if she appears, instead of sitting back and feeling the cat's nose from time to time, try to identify the cause of the disorder as soon as possible

How To Treat Dermatitis In Dogs

How To Treat Dermatitis In Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dogs, like humans, have their own diseases. Only now, animals tolerate diseases much worse, because they cannot say and explain where, what and how they hurt. Especially when it comes to a disease such as dermatitis. The animal itches and literally tears its skin from unbearable itching

How To Give An Injection To A Kitten

How To Give An Injection To A Kitten

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If your veterinarian has prescribed shots for your kitten, you do not need to visit an animal clinic every day. You can treat yourself at home. To do this, follow these instructions. Instructions Step 1 If you have the skills to inject people, then giving a kitten an injection will also be very easy for you

What To Do If Your Dog Is Not Eating

What To Do If Your Dog Is Not Eating

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It happens that a pet suddenly refuses food, not paying attention to either the bowl of food or the knock of the refrigerator door. Then the question arises before the owner, why the dog does not eat, what to do with it and how dangerous is it?

How To Remove Worms From A Cat

How To Remove Worms From A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Helminthiasis in cats is a very common disease, no less relevant than other parasitic diseases, namely, infection with fleas or ticks. Worms often appear in cats that eat raw meat, fish, trash cans and other garbage. Animals that spend time outdoors are also highly susceptible to helminth infestation

A Cat Has Bleeding From The Anus: Causes And Treatment

A Cat Has Bleeding From The Anus: Causes And Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The appearance of blood in a cat's anus can have several reasons: colitis - inflammation of the colon, parasite damage, infectious diseases. If blood is observed every time, a veterinarian consultation is necessary. Most likely, you will need to pass a stool test and start medication treatment

How To Treat Inflamed Lymph Nodes In A Cat

How To Treat Inflamed Lymph Nodes In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is important for a loving owner not only to caress the cat, but also to feel it for inflammation. Behind the thick coat, you can find the appearance of cones, an increase in organs. Especially if the general condition of the animal does not raise any questions

What To Do If Your Cat Is Sick After Eating

What To Do If Your Cat Is Sick After Eating

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Loving owners of domestic cats are very worried when they are sick. This is compounded by the fact that the pet cannot tell what it hurts, which in turn complicates the diagnosis. What can cause a cat to vomit after eating and how to help him?

Why Does Cat Urine Have Dark Urine?

Why Does Cat Urine Have Dark Urine?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Normal urine in cats is yellow with a characteristic odor. Faced with the fact that the urine of a pet has acquired a dark color, breeders sometimes do not attach importance to this. However, this fact should be a cause for concern, because it indicates the health problems of the animal

What To Do If A Kitten Has Bloody Feces

What To Do If A Kitten Has Bloody Feces

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The owner of a kitten can be shocked by the appearance of blood in the excrement of his little pet. There is no need to panic, because often the causes of bleeding are not very serious and, provided that the treatment is prescribed correctly, they are quickly eliminated

What To Do If Your Dog Has Vomiting And Diarrhea

What To Do If Your Dog Has Vomiting And Diarrhea

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Vomiting and diarrhea in a dog occur for all sorts of reasons. Most often, there is nothing to worry about, the pet's well-being stabilizes itself. However, sometimes the position of the dog requires the attention of a specialist and medical attention

What To Do If Your Cat Refuses Food And Water

What To Do If Your Cat Refuses Food And Water

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Unlike humans, cats cannot express their feelings in words. If your beloved animal used to eat three or four packets of food a day, and now suddenly refuses to eat, this is an occasion to seriously think about the possible reasons for this behavior and further actions to solve the problem

What To Do If A Cat's Hind Legs Are Taken Away

What To Do If A Cat's Hind Legs Are Taken Away

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Yesterday your cat was happily running around with a ball, but today he can't even get up. The paralysis of the hind legs of a cat is familiar to many owners firsthand. Some go to put the poor fellow to sleep, others, contrary to the poor forecasts of veterinarians, try to take all measures to cure their pet

What To Do If The Cat Chokes

What To Do If The Cat Chokes

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Most owners of cats and cats treat their pets as if they were unreasonable children, and are very frightened when the animal, for example, chokes on something. In fact, it can really turn out to be very dangerous for the health and even the life of the cat

How To Treat Worms In Dogs

How To Treat Worms In Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Worm infestation in a dog may be accompanied by bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea, followed by constipation. More than 50 types of parasites can cause the disease. A veterinarian will help speed up the diagnosis and choose the right treatment for your pet

What To Give Cats From Walking

What To Give Cats From Walking

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The cute little kitty very soon becomes an adult, ready for breeding. And during the period when the cat is ready to communicate with the cat, it gives a lot of trouble to its owners. To avoid these unpleasant moments, it is advisable for the owners to decide in advance how to calm their pet during estrus

How To Treat Dogs For Ear Mites

How To Treat Dogs For Ear Mites

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Your dog is restless, shaking its head from time to time, violently scratching its ears with its claws, tearing the skin to scratches. This unpleasant phenomenon can be caused by an ear mite, which has several types. The most common is Otodectes Cynotis, so infection with it is called otodectosis

How To Treat A Cat Ear Mite

How To Treat A Cat Ear Mite

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Lesions by parasitic organisms often appear in domestic animals. Similar diseases include otodectosis - this is the presence of an ear mite in cats. A characteristic sign is intense itching (the animal furiously scratches its ears and shakes its head at the same time)

What Antibiotic Can Be Given To Cats

What Antibiotic Can Be Given To Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Antibiotics are used to treat and prevent the growth of various types of bacteria. For animals, special preparations of this group have been developed, which differ significantly from analogs used for the treatment of humans. Antibiotics are very strong targeted drugs that should never be taken without the supervision of a medical specialist, and even more so, self-medicate with them

How To Treat Liver Disease In A Dog

How To Treat Liver Disease In A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The liver is an organ involved in all vital processes. It helps cleanse the blood, eliminate harmful substances from the body, and takes part in digestion. Due to its participation in various functions of the body, this organ is capable of undergoing a variety of diseases

What Vaccinations Do Cats Need?

What Vaccinations Do Cats Need?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Preventive vaccinations can protect your cat from many dangerous diseases, some of which - zooanthroponosis - are common to humans and animals. What vaccinations do cats need? The most common infectious diseases of cats are: panleukopenia, calcivirus infection, herpesvirus rhinotracheitis, chlamydia, lichen and, of course, rabies

How Does An Animal Recover From Anesthesia?

How Does An Animal Recover From Anesthesia?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

General anesthesia is required for animals not only for complex surgical operations. Some medical and even cosmetic procedures are easier to carry out when the animal is immobilized and does not feel the touch of the veterinarian. The process of recovering from anesthesia is quite individual and largely depends on the type of anesthesia, the age and condition of the pet

What To Do If The Cat Ate The Strings

What To Do If The Cat Ate The Strings

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Domestic cats and cats often swallow inedible. Sometimes they eat tinsel, Christmas tree "rain" and other items not intended for human consumption. This can end very badly for the cat. What to do if your pet ate something potentially dangerous, for example, thread?

How To Rinse Your Cat's Nose

How To Rinse Your Cat's Nose

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Animals, like humans, are prone to various diseases. Even the slightest draft can cause rhinitis in a cat, which is manifested by profuse nasal discharge, or, conversely, dryness and scabs. Treat pets under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian

Why Does The Cat Cough

Why Does The Cat Cough

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The health of pets should be given no less attention than their own state of the body. Even a rare cough can be caused not only by foreign objects entering the respiratory organs, but also indicating the presence of serious diseases. If you notice your pet is coughing, be sure to take some time to examine it

How To Relieve Udder Swelling In A Cow

How To Relieve Udder Swelling In A Cow

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Udder edema can be observed with a violation of the porosity of the blood vessels and a slowed outflow of lymph in the tissues. In most cases, this condition is characteristic of cows before giving birth or in the first days after calving. Toxicosis during pregnancy, kidney or heart disease of an animal can provoke udder edema

How To Treat Hormonal Imbalance In A Cat

How To Treat Hormonal Imbalance In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Some people believe that the cat's body is rather primitive compared to the human one. In fact, the cat also has a complex endocrine system, and sometimes these cute animals can have hormonal disruptions. How to identify them, how are they dangerous, and most importantly - how to treat a cat whose hormones "

How Long Does A Cat's Pregnancy Take?

How Long Does A Cat's Pregnancy Take?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The owner of a cat who is pregnant for the first time does not yet know what to expect during this period and during the birth of his pet. Moreover, many people generally have little idea of how long a cat's pregnancy lasts. If you are the owner of a cat that you plan to mate after a while, or your pet is already pregnant, then you are probably wondering how long her pregnancy will last

How To Treat Oozing Dermatitis In A Dog

How To Treat Oozing Dermatitis In A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In the summertime, dogs are especially prone to various skin diseases. Weeping dermatitis is especially unpleasant and painful. But timely detection and treatment of this disease always has a favorable outcome. What does oozing dermatitis look like in dogs?

What To Do If Your Dog Is Coughing

What To Do If Your Dog Is Coughing

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Often, the concern of the owners of dogs is the cough of the animal. In order to find out the cause of this phenomenon, some turn to a veterinarian for help, and many try to find an explanation themselves. As a rule, the doctor can still suggest the most correct answer by making a diagnosis of the animal's organs

What To Do If Your Dog Ate A Sock

What To Do If Your Dog Ate A Sock

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Sometimes dogs need as much care as small children. If the owner is distracted even for a couple of minutes, a curious animal may have time to try various objects on the tooth that are in its access zone. For example - eat the socks of your beloved owner

How To Measure The Temperature Of A Kitten

How To Measure The Temperature Of A Kitten

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Just like in humans, many diseases in cats are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. At first glance, it is quite difficult to measure the temperature of an animal without the help of a veterinarian. And to do this to a small kitten, the size of which exceeds the length of the thermometer by only a few centimeters, seems to be an impossible task at all

How To Treat A Cold Hamster

How To Treat A Cold Hamster

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Keeping your hamster healthy and preventing colds is much easier than treating your pet's illness. If you follow all the rules, then your hamster will always be active and healthy until old age. At the first manifestations of a cold, it is necessary to immediately deal with its treatment

How Cats Are Put To Sleep

How Cats Are Put To Sleep

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If the cat is terminally ill and treatment does not bring results, then the veterinarian can alleviate the suffering of the animal in a humane way. This method is called sedation. The medical term is euthanasia. Indications for euthanasia of a cat can be end-stage cancers and other incurable diseases, from which the animal experiences only pain and suffering

How To Induce Vomiting In A Cat

How To Induce Vomiting In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Vomiting is a reflexive muscle contraction that results in the ejection of the contents of the cat's stomach through the mouth. Vomiting can be spontaneous - when, for example, a cat has eaten a large amount of food, its body rejects the excess

What To Do If A Cat's Ears Hurt

What To Do If A Cat's Ears Hurt

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Pets require attention and, in some cases, help. Usually cats themselves do an excellent job with hygiene procedures, wash, clean themselves. But in some cases, this is not enough. Ears are a rather vulnerable organ in a cat. Ear problems always require medication