Most owners of cats and cats treat their pets as if they were unreasonable children, and are very frightened when the animal, for example, chokes on something. In fact, it can really turn out to be very dangerous for the health and even the life of the cat.

Temperament in animals is the same as in humans. Cats and cats are a great example of this. Even by the way these animals eat, one can judge how excitable their nervous system is: more active and restless cats usually always swallow food as if they were seriously hungry, and all this despite the fact that since the last meal it could take no more than a few hours. Accordingly, such animals have a high risk of choking on while eating.
How to understand that a cat has choked?
First, it is necessary to clarify what exactly is meant by the word "choked" - it means that a foreign body is stuck in the cat's throat or esophagus. Most often, these animals choke on food or wool, which enters the mouth and digestive tract of the cat at the time when it is licked. Even more dangerous are cases when a sharp bone or, for example, a needle gets stuck in the pharynx, esophagus or stomach of an animal. The fact is that cats have special hard villi on the surface of their tongue, which do not allow these pets to spit out what is already in their mouths. It is for this reason that cats and cats sometimes swallow seemingly completely inedible things.
If the animal is choked, then it does not stop, but only the growing urge to vomit, which cannot be confused with an ordinary cough. If they remain unsuccessful, and the cat cannot swallow anything - neither food, nor water, nor its own saliva - then with a high degree of probability we can say that your pet has really choked and a foreign body is irritating its delicate pharynx and esophagus. In this case, you need to act immediately.
The cat choked - how to help him?
If you are sure that your pet choked on food or wool, that is, not with any hard object with sharp edges that can damage the insides of the animal, then you can try to correct the situation yourself. Try using a syringe without a needle to pour a few milligrams of petroleum jelly into its mouth, and after a while, turn the animal upside down and shake it gently. The oil will lubricate your cat's digestive tract and the foreign body will slip out of it.
If you see that the cat suffocates - the tongue and mucous membranes of the animal acquire a bluish tint, and it is also difficult for him to breathe - this indicates that a foreign body is blocking the normal airway. In this case, urgently take the cat to the veterinarian, because the bill can go on for minutes. It will not be possible to do without qualified medical care even if the cat has swallowed something that can damage the organs of its digestive tract, as well as if your attempts to help the animal are unsuccessful.