The appearance of blood in a cat's anus can have several reasons: colitis - inflammation of the colon, parasite damage, infectious diseases. If blood is observed every time, a veterinarian consultation is necessary. Most likely, you will need to pass a stool test and start medication treatment.

Causes of blood from the anus in a cat

Blood from the anus in animals, like humans, is an abnormal phenomenon that indicates the presence of a disease. A small amount of blood with severe constipation can be caused by mechanical damage, in which case you need to give the cat a remedy for constipation - vaseline oil or duphalac - and watch. If the next time this does not happen again, you do not need to go to the doctor for an examination.
Another thing is if the blood appears regularly and in fairly large quantities. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, often blood in the anus speaks of damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, a violation of digestion, but the owner of a pet without a veterinary education will not be able to independently determine the lesion. Although some assumptions can be made by the color of the blood: bright red blood indicates that the problem is localized in the rectum or in the anus itself, and a darker, brownish tint is a symptom of an upper bowel disease. In any case, you need to contact your veterinarian.
Secondly, it can be colitis - inflammation in the colon, a very unpleasant disease that, if not treated promptly, can lead to the development of complications. As a rule, with colitis, bleeding is profuse, with impurities of mucus.
Thirdly, the cause of the appearance of blood can be helminths or worms - parasites that damage the intestinal walls and continue to multiply, disrupting digestion.
Often in this situation, cats feel tired and depressed, eat little.
Treating anal bleeding in a cat
Treatment is selected depending on the cause, which must be determined by the veterinarian. If these are worms, then it is necessary to give the animal anthelmintic drugs according to a certain scheme prescribed by the doctor. You also need to revise the cat's diet, do not give her raw fish and meat.
The meat should be either boiled or frozen, and it is better to exclude fish from the diet altogether or give a little seafood.
Inflammation of the rectum is treated with a solution of tannin, a solution of copper sulfate, the introduction of tampons with ointment into the anus. Severe infections should be treated with antibiotics. Treatment of colitis depends on its type: there are acute, bacterial, aosinophilic, chronic and other types. First of all, you need to adhere to a certain diet, you also need to give injections and give tablets of antimicrobial, immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory drugs.